Bad Boy

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She watched him, the way he draws the smoke from his pink tinted lips, the way he can look so attractive just by leaning against the walls of the school Gymnasium.

He had been the bad boy at East Crest High, he had never spoken to her nor even shed her a second glance and yet she found herself utterly infatuated by him.

Maybe it was because he was the polar opposite to her, or because she had been so used to rules and following guidelines that she wanted to taste something different, either way she had to keep her distance from him because he was bad news.

Since Chase Redford washed up on the Shores of East Krempture he had been nothing but trouble from day one, his father Married Lizzie Hearts Mother about two years ago and he was not happy about it.

He was a menace to society and was looked down by the community and especially by her parents and yet she found him most intriguing.

She sat under the huge oak tree that was revealing its natural fall beauty, the new found fall breeze was quite chilly and she was perched up under the tree getting some Studying done during her spare period but found her concentration on someone far more fascinating than her physics book.

He was by far the most attractive guy to ever grace us with his presence in well ever, she was no stranger to boys fawning over her because well who doesn't want to be dating the mayors only daughter and yet he had not even paid her any attention what so ever.

She looked over his quite tall muscular structure, the way his muscles came through his white shirt that was currently hugging his body like a glove.

His pure black hair that looked so dark but so full of life, his chiseled features were tight due to him currently clenching his jaw and of course his tattoos that ran down the length of his arms wrapping into some intricate designs that must have taken a long time to get done.

Her eyes suddenly met his burning gaze that was currently directed at hers, her eyes widened in surprise as she let her eyes dive straight into page 163 of her physics book.

When she had another look up he was gone and to her relief he hadn't flipped her off like the other several girls he had this week.

She sighed in relief as she began placing her her books back in her bag ready for the bell to ring signalling the end of the school day.

Her thoughts couldn't get over the fact that she had made eye contact with the bad boy of the school and her had not looked angry at her or flipped her off.

If it wasn't for the sound of crunching leaves and a shadow growing larger and larger behind her she wouldn't been dragged out of her thoughts on the bad boy.

She decided to ignore it and continued placing her books in her bag when "hey" a new but vaguely familiar voice said behind her.

She froze because in that moment she knew that she had been caught watching the boy she had had a crush on for two years.

She looked behind her to see the bad boy himself with his tight white shirt, black skinny jeans and black and white converse shoes.

She was lost for words that the infamous bad boy was so close to her and talking to her that she clumsily even get the three letter words hey out.

"So um I was just wondering have ever met before" he asked in a rather gruff tone "uhh...I....uuhhhh" I stuttered, I had gone over having an actual conversation with him hundreds of time but all of my knowledge had gone out the window.

His facial features had softened and the straight line that his lips had formed had turned into a smile "I was kidding" he said taking a seat next to the blushing blonde.

"Ohh ha funny" she said continuing to get all of my books in her bag but for some reason they just all wouldn't fit.

"So I was wondering....what is the mayors daughter doing looking at the menace of the town for" he asked her with the words rolling off his tongue.

"I...I...I wasn't looking at you I just was looking at the gymnasium, admiring the ah architecture" she stutters tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh so you weren't looking at me then" he asked slightly raising his left eye brow "no of course not, I have to go, people to see and places to be" she said standing up trying to not let her dress fly up.

He stood up just a lot quicker "oh yeah same just not so keen about it" he said as the school bell rang signalling the end of the day.

"Ok bye" she said as she began walking for the schools car park "by the way, you look cute when you blush" he shouted as she walked away.

And that was the day that she had realised that maybe she had not seen the way he looked at her and maybe just maybe she had indeed fallen for the bad boy.

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