1. The beginning of Everything

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Kellin woke up as usual around 6 A.m in the morning. He got up and walked to his closet looking at the closed doors. He sighed "Why does it always have to be me.." and opened the doors of the half empty old closet. Kellin grabbed his favourite blue sweater and black skinny jeans with some old vans. The sleeves of his sweater hided the scars on his wrist but for sure he did some bracelets around his wrists hiding the scars. When he was finally done and looked in the mirror doing his hair, there was something at the other side of the door what was yelling at him. "KELLIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" it was his mother who was a alcolholic. Kellin looked at himself and slowly started to cry he grabbed his back and walked out ignoring his mother who was already drinking her second bottle of the morning. His father died 5 years ago Kellin's mother became depressed and became a alcolholic. She was very agressive towards Kellin. He walked out and walked towards his school while listening to his music someone came after him it was Oliver Sykes a good friend of Kellin. He tapped Kellin on his schoulder and looked at him he smiled a bit but then he saw the red stained eyes from Kellin wich were full of tears. "Are you alright? Kelsbells?" That was a nickname for Kellin and Oliver liked to use it. "Hm.. What" He looked at Oliver pulling his hair away from his eyes.
"Are you alright?" Asked Oliver again.
"I-im fine I guess" He looked at him and they walked together to school.

When they came in after a long walk a group of jocks came up to them and the leader looked at Kellin. "Hey little slut how are you today" he smirked and pushed Kellin on the ground. Oliver tried to do something but the other jocks grabbed his arms holding him for that he does something stupid. The leader looked at Kellin and kicked him in the stomach. "Time to make this little girl cry" He kicked him again and Kellin just layed there he couldnt do anything and nobody did something to help him! Some girls took pictures of him and laughed if they were looking at some sort of blooper from their favourite movie. The bell rang and evergone goes to their classes. "Next time your a dead girl little slut" The jock said and walked with his group away pushing Oliver on the ground. Kellin stood up and helped Oliver up. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Well, Im not okay" Oliver stood up and looked at Kellin with an confusing face. "I need to go" He said quickly and walked away. There stood Kellin alone and left behind he dried his eyes and slowly walked up to his own class. He opened the door slowly and sat down in the back were nobody else could see him or even talk to him. His teacher didnt even pay attention to him while his lesson got very bored. The bell rang again Kellin stood up and walked to his locker quickly grabbing his books for the next phew lessons. Its then when he noticed someone new next to his locker. The guy who stood next to him had half long brown hair and a cap backwards on his head.
That was everything Kellin saw from his sight he was to shy to ask something. The guy turned to Kellin and has a beautifull smile and lovely Brown eyes. Kellin eyes widened a bit this guy was hot and he did know that he never had a chance to fell in love with this beautifull man. "Hi, Im Vic" the boy his voice sounds like music in kellin his ears. "Sorry what did you say..?" The boy had a bright smile and looked at him. "Its okay, Im Vic Fuentes and Im new to this school with my other friends". "T-thas very nice, I-m Kellin" Kellin stuttered a bit. "For sure, maybe I see you next time Kellin" the boy disappearded in the crowd when Kellin heard a strong brittisch accent on the background. "Hey Kellsbells how are you doing?" He knows it was Oliver. "Oh im doing alright, Just one more hour of this horibble day and then I can finally go home" he smiled a bit and the bell rung again and he walked with Oliver to his last lesson.

The day was finally done and Kellin walked as usual as one of the last persons out of school so the jocks dont notice him.
But today was different he dreamed the whole time of that beautifull boy who stood next to him by his locker. He ran out quickly and got outside he walked down the path to his home he didnt wanted to go there but he had to. On his way home he saw at the corner of the street a familliar face he looked shyly from a distance to them at first he thought he saw a jock but when the guy turned a bit Kellin remembered it. It was Vic! He smiled and walked further he didnt wanted to go to them. He was to shy and scared that the got bullied again.. But Vic seemed nice to him. When he walked past them at the other side of the street they didnt notice him until he heard his name: "Kellin!" He turned around and saw that Vic was yelling at him. "Over here! You need to meet some new people" Kellin slowly walked up to them with butterflies in his stomach when he looked at Vic. The boys greated him very nicely but Kellin didnt trust them already. There was a guy with black spikey hair his name was Jaime. A guy who was full under the tattoos his name was Tony he seemed very nice to Kellin. And then you had the younger brother of Vic his name was Mike but he didnt trust Kellin at all he was very protective about Vic towards him. "So do you want to come with us and drink something?" Vic asked happily and looked with a bright smile at Kellin. "S-sure" he responded and followed the guys to a small bar into the town. They sat down and ordered some drinks. Kellin looked around he was never invited to this kind of things he was in his own world until one of the boys spoke to him it was Jaime. "Whatssup dude hows it going?". "Oh.. I-im sorry im fine I guess" He smiled a bit. "Well great to hear but why havent I seen you before?" He asked. "B-because Im most of the time invisble.." he hided his wrists under the table. "Can you tell me?" Asked Jaime softly but with a smile. Kellin looked down and his eyes started to get watery "M-my mother is a acolholic and is very agressive towards me.. I get bullied on school and outside.. The teachers dont even pay attention to me.. They call me a girl and beat me up everyday..". The boys looked shocked and Vic pulled Kellin slowly into a hug. "It's okay Kellin we are your friends and I promise that they dont do anything to you ever again. If you want you can stay with me for the night?"
"S-sure" Kellin responded and the other boys gave him a bright smile. They had an amazing evening and they all headed back home. Vic let Kellin in and looked him in the eyes. Kellin who was already dying inside of his beautiful eyes, voice and smile started to blush a bit. "Now welcome I guess to my place" he smiled. "Well thank you" Kellin looked around. "Make yourself at home for the night I can show you were your room is" Vic lead him upstairs and showed Kellin his room. Its was a nice place with a soft bed and a closet. The lights at the wall maked the room more comfortabeler. He let Kellin in and said: "If theres something or you need anything my room is right next to you" He smiled and Kellin did the same. He left him alone and closed the door Kellin sat down on his bed and looked around he pulled his shoes off his bracelets and his sweater so he only wore a black skinny jeans and a white tanktop. He laid everything down on the stool in the corner of the room. He layed down on his bed and got under the covers he thought about this amazing day and most of all about Vic with all those memories he drifted into a deep sleep. This was the best evening ever..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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