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(You are 20 years old in this story)

I press play on my playlist, and put on my headphones. However, It wasn't long before I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/N?" I heard my mom calling.

"You can come in." I reply and take off my headphones. My mom then walks into my room.

"Y/N, I have something that I have to tell you." She says while sitting down on the bed next to me.

"We are moving to Seoul and we will be leaving tomorrow. Your Dad and I have already bought a new house."

With every word that she said I felt more and more confused and somewhat happy at same time.

In all honesty, I didn't like it here. I only had two friends, and one of them moved away several years ago.

I'm very thankful it's summer break right now, because I hate school. Like, really hate it.

"Why all of a sudden? What about Liz and school??" Confusion clearly written on my face.

"Your Dad got a transfer for his new job. Don't worry, you'll make new friends and I've already talked to the principal of your new school."

I listened to her explain, but I was still confused about this whole situation.

"Now pack and be ready by 7:00, we will leave before 7:30 tomorrow"

After she leaves my room, I immediately pick up my phone and call Elizabeth, my best friend.

After the 3rd ring she picks up.

L=Liz (Elizabeth)   Y=You

L: "Hello"
Y: "Hey, Liz, It's y/n. My parents just told me that we are moving to Seoul tomorrow morning...."
L: "What?? Why would you move on such short notice?"
Y: "I don't know I think it's because my dad got a transfer, I heard him talking on the phone about his company shutting down here."
L: "You better visit me whenever you can ok? We'll Skype every night, and we have to text each other at least 5 times a day."
Y: "Ok, we will don't worry, I should probably get packed since I won't have time tomorrow. I'll call you as soon as we get to the new house."
L: "Ok, you better. Love you!"
Y: "I will. Love you too!"

Pressing play on my playlist again, I put in my headphones, and start packing.

It takes me about two hours to pack, because I kept checking what I had packed about a thousand times.

'Ok, I think I have everything' I thought after I finally convinced myself to not check again.

I look over to my clock and see it's 11:45. 'I won't be able to survive tomorrow if I don't sleep now'

Finally getting into bed, I start listening to my playlist, until I fall into a deep sleep.


This is the first fanfic I've ever written, so I'm really sorry if it doesn't live up to your expectations, but I will try my best.

If you have any suggestions, or anything you would like to see in this, please feel free to ask me, because like I said I'm very new to the fanfiction category.

I'll see you guys in the next chapter very soon!

Until next time

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