Chapter 1 & 2 :Meeting the knucklehead blonde & The Academy

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Chapter 1

Asuna POV

I finally made it to the leaf village 'Wow! This place look really pretty . Now let see if they have ramen Ahh just thinking about it juice noodle favor in my mouth savori....... off!'. I felt myself fall over and felt a extreme pain in my foot "Owwwwieee !!!! My Fucking Foot !!!!" I screamed in pain Then I feel someone next to me "GOMENSAI!!!!!!!!!!!!" said the blonde boy who the same age as me . I look at him extremely mad "How dare hit me over you don't even know me you baka !!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at. him. "I'm so sorry!! here. come with me ." the blonde boy said picking me up bride style carrying me . We stop at this ramen place " For step on your foot I bring you here , this would make feel better !" I look around 'OMG this is heaven !!!' it was ramen everywhere miso ramen , chicken ramen , every ramen you can name "OMG ahhhh I'm in heaven ramen ..........." I felled in a day dream "Ummmm .. hello you there !! " the blonde boy said concerned "ya I just love ramen its my life next to pranking and becoming the greatest ninja in the world !!!" the blonde look at me blushing "Hello Naruto who your friend ?" this old men said. The blonde name Naruto just sat there blushing " Hello My name is Asuna And I love ramen and pranking and I'm going to become the most strongest ninja in the world better then any kage !!!!!!!! " I yelled excited "Ha ha , well hello Asuna what would you like ?" the owner ask . "I would like miso ramen my favorite !" I said "Wow that Naruto favorite too you two is so munch alike it scary ha ha ." the old said then ask Naruto what he want and went to make our food I look at Naruto "Well, hello my name is Asuna what yours ?" he look at me and smile " My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be the greatest hokage ever believe it !!!!!!!!! " Naruto shout " I believe it !!!!" I said smiling , Naruto look at me shock "you believe me ?" he ask surprise "Of course I know you will be hokage the greatest even !!! " Naruto look at me blushing happily "Thank you Asuna-chan !!!!!" Naruto yelled hugging me I started blushing crazily "Your welcome Naruto-kun . " I said shyly then the ramen came and we started eating and getting to know each other .' I think this is a start of a new friendship' I thought smiling at Naruto .

Chapter 2

When we finish eating we said bye to the owner and left . Naruto was showing me around he showed me the academy and the hokage monument and the park , while we were walking these villager were glaring our way saying " demon brat, murder , killer etc. " and I seen Naruto look sad , he was about to crying . I start getting so mad "HEY!! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT NARUTO SO SHUT IT HE GOING TO BE THE HOKAGE IN THE FUTURE I CAN SEE IT SO STOP SAYING THAT HE'S A DEMON AND STUFF YOUR GUYS ARE BULLYS JUST LIKE IN MY OLD VILLAGE NOW APOLOGIZE TO NARUTO !!!!!!!!!! ....... NOW !!!!!!!!!" I screamed angry and they start saying sorry to Naruto and walking away . Naruto who was sad was now shock "Umm......Naruto are you OK ?" I said concern he came back into reality "Umm.... ya Asuna-chan let go to the hokage office and figure out where you going to live " so while we were walking these anbu can and gave me and Naruto "Naruuuuuto !!! what are you doing painting the hokage monument !!!!!" this one guy yelled with a pony tail Naruto look terrified "Iruka sensei what are you d oing here he he ?!" Naruto said scared "I WAS LOOKING YOU !!WHY ARE YOU DOING HERE SKIPPING SCHOOL STOP BEING A LITTLE KID AND GROW UP !!!!!!!" iruka yelled angry that got me so mad "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PONY TAIL FREAK DON'T YELL AT NARUTO KUN HE DID NOTHING FUCKING BAD YOU ARE BEING AN FUCKING BAKA SO APOLOGIZED TO Naruto Kun NOW !!!!!!!!!!!! " I screamed angry Iruka look terrified out of his mind " I-I'M SO S-SO S-SO S-SORRY N-NARUTO !!!!!!!!" Iruka stuttered terrified l was just stand there holding in my laughter "Well, hello my name is Asuna I'm new here ." I said calmly Iruka look confused how first I was angry now I'm calm and sweet "Well, hello Asuna I'm Iruka I'm show you to the hokage come on Naruto you coming with us . " Iruka said walking towards a red building "Hey Naruto kun who is this hokage guy is he nice to you ?" I ask Naruto "Oh the old man is really nice he gave me my own apartment and feed me ! .......why ? "Naruto said Nothing just wonder ." I answered back calm "Come on let catch up with iruka !" I said and we ran to him . We got to the red building and walk inside we walk through a few hallways and finally got to this old red door iruka knock and I heared a fainted Come in and we walk in "Hello Hokage sama ." iruka said bowing "Hey Old man !!!!!!!!" me and Naruto yelled waving dumbly "NARUTO! ASUNA ! HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR THE HOKAGE !!!!!!!!" Iruka yelled at us " ha ha its OK iruka there just kids ." the old man said calmly iruka look embarrass then the old man look at me smiley warmly "Well, hello my name is Hiruzen Sabutobi just call me hokage sama or if you want to old man what your name ?" the hokage ask "MY IS ASUNA AND I LOVE RAMEN , PRANKING , AND I HATE BULLIES AND BAD PEOPLE !! MY DREAM IS TO BE THE STRONGEST KONOCHI IN THE WORLD BETTER THEN ANY KAGES !!!!!!!!!!" I yelled excited "ha ha hello Asuna welcomed to hidden leaf village do you have anywhere to live ?" the old man hokage asked "No ." I said "Can she live with me old man !!!!!!!!!" Naruto screamed "Well are you OK with that Asuna ?" the hokage ask concerned I probably say no "Of course Naruto kun is my bestfriend ya know !!" I said with happiness, the hokage looked pleased with my answer "OK then you will stay with Naruto for now own in his apartment bye ." the hokage say and dismiss us "Oh and one more thing iruka ,Asuna with start the academy today with Naruto dismiss !" the hokage said and we left "Yay Naruto kun we going to be in the same class ya'know !" I said happy "Yea this is awesome with going to live together and go to the same school this is great believe it !!!! Naruto yelled and we finally made it to the academy when we got to the door I was scared 'they're probably go to tease me and bully me !' I thought scared out of my mind "It going to be ok Asuna chan I'm going to be there so come on let's go !" Naruto said comfrontly 'He's right I have Naruto kun and I known he got my back and I got his !' I thought "Ok let go in !" I said and we walk inside soon as we walk in all eyes were on me . boys have hearts in they're eyes and some girls had awe in there's from my beauty and other jealousy "Hello class we have a new student ." iruka said then look at me "huh oh Hello everyone my name is Asuna and I like ramen , pranking and Naruto kun . I dislike bullies and evil people and I don't like people picking on someone or teasing them if I ever see any of you bullying some one I will rip your eyes out and shoving down your throat and if you are a guy I will rip you private of and shove it way down your throat thank you he he ." I said sweetly . everyone eyes were huge and was terrified of me even iruka "ok Asuna you can sit anywhere if there a seat avaible ." iruka said and I sat next to Naruto and the boy with a duck ass hair "Ha ha aha haha ha OMK you have a duckass as your hair style lame ha ha aha ha haha ha aha ha ha !!! I laugh out load the boy glared at me and I glared back more creepily and he back away creep out most of the girls was glaring daggers at me and I glare so hard the all back away in the emo corner "please quiet down Asuna ." iruka said and went back to teaching while he was teaching I keep touching all over naruto I almost touch his private unknowing what I was doing "Umm.....Asuna chan can you please stop ." he whispered I look at him and see him blushing and looking down I lokk to and see my hand on his private "I'm so so so very sorry Naruto kun I didn't know I was touching you but I know you like that ." I whispered sexily and unseen him turned red afternoon that the bell ring and me and naruto was walking out quietly until we felt a hand grabbed our shoulders "Naruto ! Asuna ! where are you to going ?! " iruka said " feed our cat ramen ....he must be hungry ..he he..." I said nervously while rubbing the back of my head . "But asuna chan we don't have a cat name ramen !?!!" naruto yelled confused "Ugh..NARUTO!!!!" I yelled at him . "asunnaaa!!!" naruto wines "So your cat "ramen " can wait now.." Iruka stopped and hand us scrubbers and buckets . "GO CLEAN UP THE HOKAGES !!!!!!" Iruka yelled at us and we got started scrubbing " Ugh naruto see what you did Ahhhhhh !!!!!! I whispered frustrated "Sowwy Asunnaa chann!!!!" naruto whispered sadly "Awe its ok " I said nicely "Hey! less talking more working unless u wat to stay here all night !!!!" Iruka screamed "its doesn't matter their no one at home waiting to welcomed us anyway !!" me and naruto yelled iruka. felt sad for the too "Hey ! Asuna ! Naruto! " Iruka yelled "Wat u want this time !!! " I screamed "I was going to ask after this do u guys want to go out for some ramen ?" iruka asked "YESSSS!!!!!!!" we yelled happy and started working twice as fast while quietly chanting ramen .

I fell in love with my bestfriend Naruto (Naruto Uzumaki love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant