Chapter One

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     Soul groaned as he scanned the TV. "MAKA!!" Soul shouted, standing up. A nine-month pregnant Maka walked into the living room. Soul placed his hand on her stomach and smiled. "The storm is really bad, and the gang is coming." The doorbell rang. The gang walked in. They all sat down and an hour later, Maka held her stomach and groaned. "Maka, you alright?" Soul asked. "No." She screamed. Tsubaki raced over. "THE BABY'S COMING!!!!!!" Maka screamed at the top of her lungs before screaming in pain. "I KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!" Tsubaki screamed. "Liz, get me a bucket of water. Patty, get me rags, lots of them. Maka, we need to get you to your bedroom and get you settled. Kid, keep watch over the weather. Star, guard the bedroom door. Soul, come with me." Soul, Maka, Liz, Star and Patty followed Tsubaki. Star leaned on the wall by the door as the others walked into the room. 

     "Soul, get a sheet." Soul nodded and raced into the hall, he came back with a sheet. "Give me the sheet and pick up Maka." Tsubaki ordered. Soul did what he was told. Tsubaki smoothed the sheet before demanding, "Now set her down." He laid her gently on the sheet. "THEY SAID THAT THE STORM IS GETTING WORSE!!" They heard Kid scream. "Okay, Maka, relax." Tsubaki stated calmy. "Do what I tell you to do." Maka nodded, biting her lip. "Liz, damp a rag and place it on Maka's forehead." Liz set the rag on Maka's forehead. "Patty, get me some towels!" Patty raced out the room. Soul held Maka's hand. "Soul get me a blanket." Soul raced to the closet and grabbed a blanket. He handed it to Tsubaki. "Another, but small and yellow." Soul dug through the closet and stated, "Would a green one be fine?" "Yeah." He tossed it to her. He held Maka's hand. Patty came in, handing Tsubaki  the towels.Tsubaki placed the towels underneath Maka and placed the big blanket over Maka's legs and pushed them up. Tsubaki pushed Maka's dress up. "Okay, you're three centimeters." Tsubaki stated. "Huh?" Maka asked, groaning after. "It's the length of your 'place' and you have to be ten centimeters to give birth." Tsubaki explained. Maka nodded. An hour later, Tsubaki stated, "Okay, Maka, you're ready. Push." Maka screamed as she pushed. "PUSH!" "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Maka screamed. Soul yelped as Maka crushed his hand. "I SEE THE HEAD!! PUSH, MAKA, PUSH!!" Maka pushed. "COME ON, MAKA!! ONE MORE PUSH!! PUSH!!" Maka pushed with all of her strength. A baby's cries filled the air. "It's a girl!" Tsubaki exclaimed over the cries. They heard Kid and Star's cheers. Tsubaki wrapped the crying baby in the green blanket and handed her to her mother. 

     Maka smiled down at the crying baby, happy tears streaming down her face. Soul smiled down at his daughter, happy tears also streaming down his face. She had little white fuzz on her pale head, and her small nose wiggled. She opened her eyes and green eyes gleamed. "She has your eyes, nose, and skin, she has my hair, teeth, and lips." Soul whispered, looking down at his smiling daughter. He put his index finger near her face, and she grabbed it. She nimbled on it, giggling. "She has your giggle." Soul whispered. Maka smiled and made a funny face. Their daughter laughed.  "She has your laugh." Maka stated. "What should we name her?" Maka asked. "Dallas." Soul stated. "Yeah, I like it." Maka smiled down at their daughter. Make whispered, "Hey, Dallas, welcome to the world."

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