
22 4 2

  Man and woman. Both are meant to be equals.

One guarding and one caring.

Where did the equation go wrong?

Why am I. The woman. Going through such injustice.

Why am I being fed fear?

Fear of molestation.

Fear of rape. 

Fear of death.

Where did i go wrong. For all these misdeeds.

Why is it ok, to pour acid all over me.

Just because I wasn't interested in him.

Why is it ok, to fall all over me.

Just cause I have a set of female genitalia.

Why is it ok, to push me, to pull me,to rub yourself all over me.

Where did the equation go wrong.

That I have to be covered all along.

Out on road, in my room. Heck even in the bathroom!

Why am I expected to be a certain way.

A way which isn't fair to me as a human.

Why aren't I given the same rights, 

freedom and security as the guys?

What is so wrong with being me. 

That I have to keep my head down while walking?

What is so wrong in being able to give birth. 

That we have no right of our own.

Why can't we decide;

 When we want to be wives, mothers and even world leaders.

We are still the same. We breathe oxygen.

We drink water. Same hunger.

Yet we are told to eat after the boys.

Why this sexism? Why this patriarchy?

Aren't we equally important?

Aren't we contributing to the system?

We can earn. We can care. Even we can repair.

Repair all the damage left behind by your medieval thinking.

We are still expected to miraculously be the machine.

Machine who cooks and cleans and serves the whole family.

Even though when sick and tired. We are never given time offs.

Aren't we humans. Deserving of humanity?

Why are we only taught to give respect and never how to receive it?

Why aren't we told that even we are deserving of all the love and care?

Why aren't we told. That it is NOT OKAY to be played.

It is never ok to be shamed.

How it is not theirs. But,

 your choice on who you want to be.

And what you want to do.

Why aren't we given the freedom as the boys do?

Most importantly why are we made to ask for things.

Which we are born to be?  


We irrespective of gender and sexuality are born free. Freedom is our basic right, which we all possess right from the birth. It's a virtue. God's gift to us all. Nobody can take our rights away from us. Especially of freedom. 

Always preach love and happiness not captivity and oppression. 

All the love. 

Al Grace. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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