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"Jack come"

Leonelle try the get her godfather's attention from his phone. He'd been tired the whole morning due to the sleepless night he'd had the night before.

"Okay princess, I'll come just give me a minute please"

Jack sigh, taking off his sunglasses, placing them down on the sunbed after he's stood up and walked out in the hot sun.

"Are you ready then"

I giggle as I watch the two of them interact in the water, Jack joking about, catching her when she jumps from the edge of the pool.

It was a peaceful morning and most of the others were still in bed asleep or in the kitchen eating, Jack had been up when me and Leonelle woke up so we'd decided to make the most out of the beautiful weather.

I have my feet in the water, swaying them around when Conor comes running from behind, jumping into the pool making the water splash all over my warm body.

"Oh my god Conor, I'm drenched because of you"

You can just about hear Jack's and Leonelle's giggles on the other side of the pool as Conor come back to the surface, smiling innocently towards me.

"I just had to do it, sorry"

I look at him as I wrench out the water from my thin top and retie my hair into the messy bun that it  originally was in.

"Lucky for you that I love you"

Conor swim over to the edge where I'm sat and I pull my fingers through his wet, curly hair.

"I know, that's why I did it"

I roll my eyes at him, pushing my sunglasses up on my head as I do so, making him stick his tounge out cheekily.

"You coming in?"

He swim away on his back slowly, waiting on my answer.

"Mm, maybe later, I want to just lie in the sun for a bit first"

He rolls his eyes as I stand up from the edge of the pool to walk over to the sunbed I'd already prepared with a towel earlier this morning.


Carefully do I place the thin stick down on the side of the sink, flushing the toilet as I do so, slowly unlocking the door to the bathroom.

Conor look up at me from the bed across the room, his eyes searching an answer in mine as I walk over to him.

I sit down in his lap and feel how his arms snake around my waist as I lean closer to his chest, his hair still slightly wet from the pool.

Neither of us say anything but we both know the deal, we discussed it before I took the test, how we will look together after ten minutes, how we should tell the others and our fans.

After five minutes can we hear Jack call on us from the kitchen. Dinner's ready. I look back at Conor and he shake his head.

"I want to know before we go down, let's just say we didn't hear him if he come to tell us"

I nod, checking the time for the hundred time during the last seven and a half minutes. Conor's acting calm but I know he's just as nervous as I am, his quick heart beat against my back giving it away. He stroke my thigh, the feeling of his touch calming me down. I am scared, way more scared than I thought I'd be, we could be having a second kid, a second human being to care for, to love endlessly.

It was the first time we experienced it together, the first time did I do it on my own, funnily enough on a holiday as well. I remember being scared over Conor's reaction, we were both still young and in the middle of our careers, we practically couldn't have a kid in that time but that had been the case, even though we'd been extra careful and responsible, always using contraception such as birth control or condoms, sometimes even both.

Through thick and thin; A Conor Maynard fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now