A new year a new look

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yeah, once again I'm writting a story thats set in America but I'm English so I'm sorry if i make any errors.

this is my second story on wattpad :D, read my other one if you like its called "the englsih badgirl and the american badboy". 

enjoy this and sorry for any mistakes :*

I was walking down the corridors to my locker sliding my large black glasses back up my nose and pushing my blonde tangled hair behind my ear. Then I heard the faint clicking of heals get nearer and nearer to where I was *smack*, I was pushed into the lockers. My face collided with the locker and my glasses flew off my head and onto the ground, I fell to the ground to find my glasses I was patting around trying to find them when I heard and snap and Tiffany laugh “ I guess you wont be wearing these anymore NERD!” she kicked me in the stomach and I curled up in a ball clutching my stomach whilst everyone around me laughed and not even helping me.

The bell rang and the laughing slowly faded and the halls becoming silent only my silent cries could be heard through the corridors. No one to help me, no friends, I was the weird kid, the nerd, the one who was fat and had acne, the one who everyone took pleasure in bullying. I heard the rushing foot steps coming down the corridor and the gasp of one of the teachers “ May, darling are you okay” I cried once more and doubled over in pain once again, I couldn't speak it hurt to much.


I shook my head from the bad thoughts and pulled on my black skinny jeans, it was the start of senior year for me and this year I am planning on getting revenge on everyone who hurt me. I'm not that fat nerd anymore who wore cardigans and long skirts and carried books around and constantly pushed her glasses up. I was now the girl who has the perfect size 8 figure and the perfect assets, my hair is no longer that matted blonde but a dark chocolate brown which makes my green eyes pop, I no longer have the glasses that covered half my face up. I was now the girl everyone wished to be, I went for a jog everyday, I could eat anything with out putting on any weight because my metabolism rose when I started to exercise.

My final year is going to be the best year yet and the reason for that was the revenge I was going to get on every single person, and the first person will be Tiffany she was the cause to my bullying. “ May!, hurry up” my mum shouted up the stairs. My mum was a short little women who had blue eyes and blonde hair, I only got the hair from my mum nothing else everything else is from my dad who died last year, he was my hero.

My dad thought in Afghanistan and was killed by a bomb going off, when I found out I thought my life was over, he was the only one who believed in me and always told me that I would grow up to be a very beautiful girl that everyone would be jealous of because I would have the looks and a loving heart. I pulled a pair of black skinny jeans on and a white crop top, I walked over to my dresser and applied some mascara and eye liner making my green eyes pop. I didn't need any foundation because my skin cleared up amazingly and now you can actually see my tanned skin that makes my cheek bones stand out.

I brushed my hair and left it cascading down my back, I grabbed my phone off the side and my bag and ran down the stairs, since my father’s death my mum and I haven't really gotten along as she says I look to much like him and it upsets her to look at me. I've gotten use to her turning away from me when I look at her. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and a cartoon of orange juice and grabbed my car keys of the side to my white for focus st “ by mom!” I shouted just before I shut the door behind me.

I took a deep breath before I got into my car what ever people say to me just smirk and walk away and pretend you couldn't give a fuck, that's it May use the ' I don’t give a fuck' look and walk away and show your great body off. I got in the car with a burst of confidence I put the keys in the ignition and reversed out of my drive way and headed towards school.

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