Chapter Two

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I was told to get my ass out of bed and put on nice clothes for today's event but you know, I have no effort.

What's the bloody point anyways? I'll just be getting myself all dressed up thinking I'm going to get adopted when I know for a fact I won't. I'll just get my hopes up.

Sucks man.

"Sabrina, don't make me tell you again. Get up!" Marie informed.

Marie was the owner of the care home, she wasn't that nice nor was she mean but she had her days. You could see who were her favourites though, I wouldn't class myself as one but she was hardly mean to me as she would be with some others.

I groaned but still disobeyed her orders. "I don't want to do this again, Marie. All I'm going to do is get my hopes up for them to be broken because no one wants to adopt a messed up freak, like me."

"Sabrina..." She sighed and sat on the edge of my bed, rubbing my legs carelessly. "Maybe today you might get adopted, who knows? I understand it must suck always putting your hopes up every time on this day but that's life. So get up, look your absolute best and show the people, who are coming in, the real you." She smiled at me before getting up.

"Yeah sure, okay whatever," I mumbled but still proceeded to get myself dressed.

I didn't put effort into my clothing but it was still nice looking. I had a baby blue jumper on with black ripped jeans and white converse. I had all different styles, sometime I would wear casual clothes, other times I would wear cute dresses and that. It depends on my mood.

I made my way downstairs and sat at the dining table, Mckenzie came and sat next to me not long after, looking absolutely adorable in her blue overalls and pink jumper.

"Well, don't you look adorable today." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks, I want to look pretty for people. That way i get adopted!" She grinned.

"Fingers crossed, Kiddo."

People started to come into the building, they all looked formal and upper class. Something you see a lot of.

Most of them were already talking to girls. No surprise there to be honest. I sat with my hand leaning on my cheek, looking at all the people. There was so many. Mckenzie was being spoken to by a couple, they seemed to have interest in her which i was so happy about.

'Attention all girl, can I have age 10-16-year-olds stand in a line in the hall room, please.'

I heard Marie call out.

I picked myself up off the seat and obeyed her orders, this was always rehearsed so I knew where to stand. At the back.

After all the girls were in lines, I looked up and saw a familiar face smile at all of us. I couldn't quite pinpoint who she was but I'm sure I've seen her before.

"Hello, girls!" She grinned and waved at us.

I soon realised that the lady standing before us was the one and only Demi Lovato. The celebrity I liked because of her music and how it helps me when I get to listen to it.

I immediately looked down, I began to feel shy and embarrassed. I don't want her to see me like this, a mess. It's embarrassing enough that other people here see it, let alone a celebrity.

I shook my thoughts away and focused on the reality, which was something I hate doing and saw Demi in front of me. Not going to lie, I swear I felt my heart go into my throat.

"H-hi?" I looked at her, shyly.

"Hi, sweetie! What's your name?" She smiled brightly.

Gosh her smile was beautiful.

"Sabrina ...Montez, but call me Sab if you like. I love your music, you're pretty good." I blushed, looking down at the floor.

"Aw, thank you. You listen to my music?"

"Now and then when I get to." I frowned.

She smiled. "What's wrong? You look upset." She asked.

"Oh, nothing." I fiddled with my fingers.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Uh...yeah, besides shouldn't you be looking around adopting someone instead of talking to someone worthless like me?" I frowned.

"I don't think you're any close to being worthless but you know what? You are right, I am gonna adopt someone." She smiled.

"Probably someone beautiful," I muttered quickly so she couldn't hear.

"Yes, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever met and guess what?" She smiled.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm looking at her right now.." She trailed off, looking at me.

I looked back up at her, the realisation spread across my face as I gave her a shocked expression, clicking on what she was gesturing.

"Wait...What?" I chocked.

She laughed, "I'm adopting you!"

Aw, her laugh was adorable.

"But.. But.. You haven't even spoken to any others?"

"That doesn't matter, you caught my eye first."

"No.." I sighed, shaking my head. "You wouldn't want me." I lowered my gaze to the floor as I spoke.

"How so?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Because I'm different," I mumbled

"Not to me, you're not." She smiled.

She grabbed my chin and raised it so I was looking at her. "You being different isn't going to stop me from loving you. As soon as I saw you a connection came between us. This is why I wanted to adopt you." She said smiling.

"Y-you actually mean that?" I stuttered.

"Of course! I wouldn't lie to you." She grinned.

I smiled so widely, i was genuinely happy.

"Well, how about you go pack up your stuff, while I sign paperwork?" She asked.

I nodded and obeyed her orders.

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