Chapter 1- Horrowing Past Made Its Return

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He walked over the burned, disintegrated, piles of rocks in a land with no people. Inside his head flashed three numbers; 8,...4,...5. He shook his head to escape the blackout which resulted the images of the three numbers to merge: 845.

On that day the humanity remembered...the dread that was a life under their rule...the humiliation of being caged like birds.

The clouds grumbled; flashing a lightning bolt, and soon the rain started pouring lightly.

The horses marched with clatter of hooves--towards the thick dark green forest.

"Everyone, prepare for the battle!!" commanded the armed, young, brunette leader of the soldiers, whose name is Keith Shadis. He's the first leader of the scouting legion: a batch of people who engage with the 'titans' and sacrifice their lives for the betterment of human race. His aim is to go outside the walls.

A giant, humanoid, clothe-less creature, feared by humans, called a 'titan' strolls which seized Keith's attention.

"We have one target!!" he shouted and the speed of the running horses increased. "Take it down! its the last thing you can do!!"

"Distance to the target four hundred meters!!" alerted a young, blonde soldier, known as Erwin Smith.

"It's coming our way!!"

The ground shook as the titan approached them.

"Split into five groups just like during the practice!!" ordered Keith.

The soldiers quickly surged into five directions, each containing one group.

"We'll act as decoys!!"

"Distance to the target hundred meters!!" alerted Erwin.

"To all attack teams!! switch to three dimensional manoeuvre!!" commanded Keith as he prepared for the next step: discover the cause of titans.

Erwin nodded and drew out his swords hilt which somewhat resembled the butt of a handgun, from the pockets under his arms.

He launched the rope and took off, just like an air plane taking off.

Other soldiers sped up by releasing more gas from their gears.

"Strike from all the directions!!" Keith shouted while he running around them, trying to distract the titan so that the soldiers can easily eliminate it.

Erwin attached the blade to the hilt and sped up as he pushed the liver, located on the sword hilt. "Have a taste of the power of human-kind!!" he bawled as he raised his hand to slice the nape of the titan.

"See you later" said a pre-teen, asian girl with shoulder length jet black hair and dull black eyes, to the middle aged lumberjack in the woods as he waved her good bye. She turned toward her brother, who was busy sleeping soundlessly against the shady tree.

"Eren" she shook a tween brunette boy.

"Eren" she shook him harder.

"Hmmm?" he mumbled and he opened half of his eyes.

"Wake up" she said. "Let's go home, it's gonna be dark"

".......?" he looked at her. "....uh?"

"Mikasa you're's gotten...longer hasn't it?" he muttered.

The girl gawked at him speechlessly. She turned away. "You were sleeping well enough to spout out that kind of nonsense upon waking up" she uttered, loud enough for him to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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