Let's all plan a murder

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Believe it or not a lot of people, people you may know, daydream.  Have you ever wondered what the could be thinking or planning? It can be a number of things. What they were to do today, what they should eat, who they should talk to,  that test coming up next period, how they may or may not fail, maybe a murder or two.
So here are a few pointers from me. Sure you may not believe it but hey who cares.
To plan a murder you must know a lot of things
What your victims daily routine is
Who they hang out with
What they are allergic too
What their hobbies are
Who do they hang the most with
What they fear and so much more.
No matter how good you think you are you will never actually be able to figure all of this out. Especially with a time limit. Yes it is good to know everything about your target and yes it is great to know every possible outcome, but you also have to be flexible with your planning. If not well then you're just going to get caught. Have fun in prison! Don't become someone's bitch!!

What people always think is how to get into the house first or what the should do first. What you don't ever think about is who's going to be there. What if there are any animals around. Sure you could just kill them but by then the house is alerted especially if it's a dog. It's best to know a few key items about your victim.
1) Do they have any pets
2) How large is their family
3) Who would be awake at this time
4) What are they afraid of
5) Any injuries that could be an advantage to you
6) Do they have any form of fighting experience (weapons or hand-to-hand combat)
7) Who are their parents (You may think this is not important but if they are in a military family and one of the parents wake up and find you. Let's just say you are totally and utterly fucked)
8) Do they participate in any athletic teams

Number eight may seem stupid, but trust me when I say you need to know this information. The same for number seven. If they are in some form of athletic sport or team they could have an advantage over you. Wether it be strength or speed. You need to know these things ahead of time to figure out a plan. That way if they manage to escape you can figure out away to get them back.

I don't have time to finish this part. I'll make a second one later. Bye

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