I hate boys (chapter 3)

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"Ethan you can't just come and kiss me. I barely know you" I was angry at him, this the second time that he had stolen a kiss from me.

"Come on Sum, We know each others since babies"


"Are you mad at me" He put on a questioning look



"I don't know, Go back 6 years ago and if you have a good memory, you'll remember"

"okay" he said taking a sip of soda. We were now at the Cafeteria which to my surprise was empty, WEIRD. It took him like a 1 or 2 minutes to answer. Damn he has a pretty bad memory cause i remember like if it was yesterday

"Still thinking.... WOW!!!!" i teased taking a sip of my Macciato

UM-MM Heaven

"What! I'm not a nerd like you"

"EXCUSE ME....Guest what this  "nerd" got in geometry.....An A+"

"Exactly a nerd" UGHHHHH i hate him

"Whatever "

"can you at least give me a clue to remember"

"How about my 10th birthday on March 27"

"let me think"



"it was about time"

"you are mad at me because i took you piñata"

"NO"  I just remember that he also took my piñata  i would kill him.

"Then, give me more clues"

"What about the kitchen on my 10th birthday party."

"ohhh the kiss"


"you are mad at me for giving you a kiss... Come on Sum is not like i took your virginity"

"Thank God!!! Or else you would had been Sleeping with the dinosaur."

"you can't be mad at me forever Beautiful" he said getting up

"Umm yes i can " i shout at him but it was too late he had already walk out of the cafe WHERE IS HE GOING ANYWAYS HE IS NEW AND WE HAVE 20 MINUTES BEFORE THE BELL RINGS .


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