Beat Them at Your Own Game

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Hinata's POV:

"I'm sorry Daichi-senpai, did you say what I think you said?" I asked.

"Yes. Next week, we are going to a nationwide gathering for the top volleyball teams. It's simply an event where a bunch of practice matches will be held." Explained Daichi.

"Yeah, basically, it's just us showing off so a bunch of businesses can make some more money before the year is up." Sugawara jumped into the conversation.

"Wow... so they invited us to show off our amazing skills?" Asked Tanaka, rubbing  his chin in thought.

"Yes. But don't go too crazy. I hear they're having the top basketball teams in the same area at the same time." Continued Daichi.

"Hey! If the 3rd years are coming back for this, does this mean that Aoba Johsai will be there with The Grand King?" I asked excitedly. I really hope so. Who cares about those basketball people? I'm sure the skills of Karasuno will take the spotlight!

"I know what you're thinking, Hinata, and you're probably wrong. I heard that there's a basketball team with their own 1st year duo." Said Sugawara.

Then, that stupid Kageyama had to butt into the conversation. "No matter how tough they are in basketball, we'll always beat them at volleyball." He said bluntly.

I nodded my head, though, because no matter how much of a jerk he is, I couldn't help but agree with that statement.

"Well. I'm heading home for today." Said Kageyama.

"Yeah, good job in practice." Said Daichi, bidding Kageyama farewell.

Kageyama exited the gym. Just as he was leaving though, he glanced back at me. His glanced looked like he was challenging me.

I couldn't pass this up. "Uh! Senpai! I'm leaving too!" I then started running after Kageyama.

3rd Person POV:

"Ugh. I feel like they're going to be a handful..." said Daichi as he saw the two idiots run neck and neck like their lives depended on it.

"What was that, Daichi?" Asked Sugawara as he continued to clean up.

"Oh. It's nothing. Say... I wonder if that basketball 1st year duo is as troublesome as ours." Daichi mumbled the last part to himself, but Sugawara could hear him.

Sugawara chuckled. "Probably not."


In The Seirin Gym:

"... So this is just for the businesses to get more money, with basketball games being the entertainment to attract customers?" Asked Kagami.

"Yes. There will also be volleyball matches and such in the same area at the same time." Finished Hyuuga.

"Well, since the top schools are gonna be there, I guess I have no choice but to go!" Said Kagami excitedly.

Riko rolled her eyes. "You were going anyways."

"Who cares about volleyball. We'll outshine them anyways." Stated Kagami with his arms behind his head.

"I don't know... I heard that one of the volleyball teams has their own 1st year duo." Said Kiyoshi.

"Oh well. I'd like those volleyball players to take me on in basketball. They wouldn't be so great then." Stated Kagami.

"He does know that we're not playing against the volleyball players, right?" Asked Izuki.

"I wonder if that volleyball team's 1st year duo is as troublesome as ours." Said Hyuuga. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Kiyoshi chuckled. "Probably not."

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