Another world-Part one(Chapter one)

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'It's dark.. so dark.. but what are those rainbow lights I'm seeing?!..what's going on, is that.. what is that? It's glowing.. a sphere of light, it's... it's so pretty'

"Finally!! I finally found you!!"A voice.. called out it didn't seem to sound male or female. 'I came here just to find you, you know?" 'The sphere! It's talking? But:. But how?!'
"Please come.. and lead us your strength!" 'What are they talking about? Us?.. who's us? Where am I going?..' "the power! It's gathering!... we're going. To the Pokémon world!!!.." 'it's so bright, and white..' "this path of light is the link between our two worlds.... now awaken the Pokémon that slumbers within you!!"
"You're never shaken and can always read between the lines.. you never give up... you're quite likable, and always surrounded by friends. With a good-natured personality like that, you must be.. Just like Eevee!!"
'Eevee? That small fox looking thing?.. I guess that's okay.. but.. what's with my color scheme?

"Now, the partner that who will stick with you.. through thick and thin on this adventure.. is so cool! It's -----"(A surprise).. 'huh.. guess I can nickname him?.. well uh.. I'll do that .. later?'
"'s time Zekeual, it is time for us to go! To the world where Pokémon wait! Good luck Zekeual!!"


As the legendary Pokémon flew through space heading to earth. "They say.. everything was created from the same energy.. the sun, the stars.. everything..are bound as one"
As he neared the Pokémon version of Earth he noticed something flying toward him "is that..." he stared in awe. "The legendary Pokémon.. Rayquazza? I've heard of it before but... this.. this is my first encounter with it.. it's every bit as intimidating as I'd heard. But.. I thought it inhabited the ozone layer...why has it come past the stratosphere?.. something must be afoot on the planet..."Rayquazza flew past Deoxys.


Soon, Zekeual found himself awaking beside a rather beautiful scene..  '??.... wh..where am I...? I feel like.. someone was calling me.. but.. I'm not sure.. what's going on? I can't remember..'


'...where... am I?...'

'What... is this place...?'

'My head is pounding....'

'...huh? Why can't I remember anything?'

' wait, do I know my name? Oh.. okay yea at least I remember that...'

'I can't remember anything else though!! What's going on here?'


'I'm... parched.. I need... to find some water.. oh.. over  there..'

Zekeual went over to a small pond of crystal clear water, taking a few sips of water, he panted and sighed happily.. ' I... I feel alive again.'

'It's incredibly delicious! Never has water tasted so good!' Well now that he thought about it, it might've been spring water.. there was a small waterfall..
''Whew! Okay.. calming down now..''

'Huh? I can.. see something reflected on the surface.'

''WHAT?? What's going on?! Could it be..?! Is... is it even possible?!?! Have I... become a Pokémon?!''


"Wh..wh.. why?!"

"Beheem!" A distant well not distant cry sounded as strange Pokémon surrounded the eevee. "Beheem!!" The three Pokémon flickered lights at each other, seeming to talk to themselves.

"What.. is that?" He was hit back as the strange Pokémon attacked him. "Whoa! What's the deal all of a sudden?!" He backed away and ran further into the woods..


Zekeual panted as he stopped running, he gulped. 'S- somebody help me! Oh! Over there!!' He ran over to a wondering nuzleaf..

"Huh? What's wrong? What are you all in a fuss for?" The nuzleaf tilted his head curiously at the younger Pokémon. "D...d...did a Pokémon just talk to me?!" Zekeual looked terrified and shocked, the nuzleaf mimicked this expression. "Whoa! What did I do to you?! Ow, sorry!! I'm Nuzleaf!! It's all right now, so just calm down." The grass type tried to calm the other down, holding his hands up trying to show he wasn't a threat. Zekeual sighed softly calming down. "Ok...I'm... a eevee now. Too, so I guess I can understand Pokémon!" The beheem ran up or well floated up to the two other Pokémon, "huh?" Nuzleaf sounded confused..

The beheem flickered amongst them selves. Before attacking Zekeual again. "Whoa what in the world?!" They then attacked nuzleaf. "Eek! I'm scared!" Zekeual and nuzleaf ran further into the woods. "Oh no.. ain't that one of them mystery dungeons up ahead?"

"Behee! Behee!"

"Ahhh! There ain't no other way to go!" Nuzleaf ran into the dungeon, zekeual ran after him..
"These mystery dungeons sure are mysterious. All right.. everytime you go into one, it has a different layout and different items in it. And all the Pokémon found here seem mighty on edge- attacking for no reason!" Nuzleaf seemed very calm. "it's altogether hard to get out of a mystery dungeon once you've gone in one. You'll be wantin' to find the stairs if you have any hope of movin' ahead" Zekeul looked confused. "There's stairs in the dungeon? But.. but this is a cave.. " Zekeul's question was ignored. "Watch out for enemy Pokémon while you keep one eye open for the stairs. I'll take the lead. Since you seem new to this. But you stick on me like a bad stain." Nuzleaf continued.. "uhh yea... okay.." Zekeul sighed, what a weird way to say that.
"Dangnabbit! It's an enemy Pokémon!!"
------(no one wants the rest of that, that's boring let's head to when they leave the dungeon)

To be continued in the next page.

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