Bad side of town

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"Hi! My name is Subreana Walekins, I'm 18 years old, and I'm from Hawii. My parents are dead and I'm  alone but I'm cool , smart, and hot. Here's  my story. ENJOY!

I was walking around the "bad side of town" wondering why it was like this, when someone jumped out and grabbed me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"   "saving your butt" I thought why? But then... I realized why. " Your that kid from school" I said scared. "Well, your hardly never there " "yes " he said with a deep voice. I fell to the ground hard on my back , while I was laying there ( thinking about him ) I kept saying to myself "what? Why". I finally found it, a note... It said "

Meet me at my house tomorrow night.
2158 Southside SW.

"Um... sh-should I go?" I think what could go wrong but yet what could go right " he could trap me, kill me,harm me,love me,kiss me,hate me, and much more. "Well, I mean, if this was important than I could miss , but if I did go than I could possibly be harmed?!"

                      What should I do?! Comment below and tell me your answer and why!

                 TO BE CONTINUED....


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