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"I do declare!" Infinite Darlene did declare.

How are we even real? We seem too much like book characters for that. We're kind of the polar opposite characters who become friends. There was a book like that I really enjoyed as a kid, I can't remember its name now.
I'm a tall, shy boy who is introverted. You're a short, loud girl with a very extroverted personality. I have quiet blue eyes and you have huge, gorgeous, hazelnut brown ones. I tend to internalise my problems whereas, unfortunately, yours take their toll physically. I'll get them back for that.
Then again we have a bit of both. I can be loud and excitable, whereas you're calm and serene. We can both be a little inside and run around with textas, scribbling on each other's faces while our friends ignore us. Or we can sit together and calmly pass notes about trivial things such as quotes, comments about the class/teacher or our friend Ruby's obsession with Teen Wolf (I swear she has a problem).
We both have equally messy handwriting and a scarily good knowledge of A Very Potter Musical.
We talk much too often, usually told to shut up by the teacher. But I don't care. Because for a brief moment, everything is perfect.

(I mean nothing's perfect but, apart from you, this is as close as it gets).

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