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Soul Eater hosted a party at an abandoned castle far away from Death City. Everyone was invited, and all were excited.

When it was time for the Meisters and Weapons to dance with each other, Soul's partner, Maka, asked Soul to dance. He declined her because he was distracted by a witch named Blair, who Soul thought was the most beautiful woman at the party.

As Maka ran away crying, Soul and Blair danced.

But as the music ended, Blair gave Soul a menacing look.

"You've got some nerve, Soul," She said, "choosing someone you barely even know over your meister to dance? That's messed up."

"S-so?" Soul muttered.

"You only think of yourself and want what you only think will please you." Blair growled. "Maka doesn't deserve you. No one deserves a selfish weapon like yourself."

"What are you talking about? I'm the coolest weapon ever!" Soul frowned.

Blair raised her hand. "As you well know, your looks aren't that normal. Red eyes, shark teeth, white hair? And your personality? No one could ever truly love you."

"Wanna bet, witch?" Soul raised an eyebrow.

Blair smiled. "I'm interested. Alright. You find someone who will truly love you and I'll break my little curse."

"What? What curse?" Soul froze.

"Look around." Blair smiled.

Soul looked around him. Everyone was gone.

He turned back to Blair. "What did you do!?"

"Everyone forgot why they were here." Blair said. "Everyone forgot who you are."


"And this will be your prison." Blair frowned. "You wouldn't bear to walk to Death City with the look and attitude you possess. Oh, and just for fun, you won't remember anyone you knew before after tonight plus I will make people think you look scarier than you actually are."

"Witch!" Soul growled. "How will this curse be broken!?"

"True love's kiss, of course." Blair smiled. "Once the kiss happens, everyone will remember everything again."

"You're awful!" Soul shed a tear.

"No, Soul," Blair raised her hand, "you are."

She snapped her fingers, and in a flash she was gone.

Soul sobbed on the dance floor, wishing he'd dance with Maka.

Now he lay in this castle, waiting for someone to come to him. But the chances were slim, for who could ever learn to love...a beast?

Beauty and the Beast (Soul x Maka)Where stories live. Discover now