Chapter 1: Thunder on the Horizon

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By Lady of Spain                    banner by LOS

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

Chapter 1: Thunder on the Horizon


Another glorious day in La Push, and it was glorious. My best friend and sweetie was comin' over. Okay, so maybe she didn't exactly return my feelings, but they were there... somewhere... I could tell by the way her heart skipped a beat at seein' me, and the way she blushed whenever I looked at her. So, yeah, she had it for me, if only she'd admit it. And she would too, if only the ol' popsicle would let her outta his sight more often. Ah, well, I had time to infuse her with my charm and wit. No contest. Warm and cute, muscles and more, versus cold and stuffy, stony and uptight—lousy tick. So what if he had money, I had family and tradition, and I didn't havta move every six years to avoid suspicions. Couldn't Miss clueless see that?

Anyhow, I had just gotten outta bed, and pulled on my pants when I heard, "Jacob, you awake yet?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm up."

"Good. I need to use the bathroom right away."

Geez, the ol' man really needed to get his prostate checked out. I bounded out the door to his bedroom, and got him to the toilet pronto.

While he was in there, emptying his tank, I set out the plates and utensils for breakfast. Then, I cracked a few eggs, scrambled them up, and put the bread in the toaster.


Pointing his fork at me, Dad said, "Bella coming to visit today, eh?"

Somehow, he always knew. "Yeah, how can you tell?"

"There's a twinkle in your eye, Son."

I finished swallowing a bite, then commented, "A twinkle, huh?"

"That, and you're wearing a clean shirt."

I had to smile. "Nothin' gets by you, does it?"

With a straight face, he remarked, "I have powers you know little about."

Just then, a loud blast sounded, as my dad—to put it politely—broke wind, the aroma rapidly wafting my way. Shaking my head, I replied, "Yeah, pretty powerful all right."

In a matter of seconds, that rust bucket rumbled into our driveway, and Bella was at the door.

"Don't come in here," I bellowed.


"Atmospheric conditions; let's leave it at that."

Jerkin' my head toward the door, I told Dad, "Gotta go. Bella's waiting."

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