...Mudkip. I named him Matt. as I walked out there was a new boy moving in to the town. The professor told me to go to his house to meet his daughter
Sapphire. Along the way I past the boy to say hello. Turns out his names Ruby. I went into Professor Birch's house. His wife told me hello as I walked upstairs. I knocked on the door and Professor's daughter opened it,I asked what was her name, how old she was,who was she going to choose as her starter. She answered all my questions except my last one. Her name was Sapphire and she was 10. I told her how this was my second journey, how I was(in less than month)about to be 14. After meeting up with her I decided to go off on my journey. As I walked into the next city I noticed a gym. I walked into it. The man in front of the gym had told me that this is the fifth gym leader. I had then told him I was new to this region and then he gave me a map of this region. I told him thankyou and walked on.
As I walked into the Petalburg Woods I heard someone voice screaming for help. I threw out
Tim(the Taillow I caught earlier) to scan out the area. He came back and gave me a signal that something was up. I walked on. Then a man in a green suit ran up to me asking for help. Then a man in a red hood with black jeans came up to me and told me to move or he was gonna force me too. Then I told him, " To go for it." He threw out a level three Poochyena. I threw out Matt(who was level 11 now) I told Matt to use Tackle, it was a one hit KO, Poochyena fainted. The man told me, " You've one this time but,you have yet to stop team Magma from fulfilling it's plans." Afterwards I asked the man if he was okay he said that he was fine. He thanked me and went off.
I walked into the first Pokemon Center that I saw in Petalburg City. Then I decided to checkout the city. There was a gym,Pokemon Center, PokeMart, Trainer School, and even some company building. I walked into the gym and figured out its a Rock Type. I challenged Roxanne to a battle for the Stone Badge.
" Go Geodude!",she said. I thought to myself psh easy.
" Go Matt! Water Gun!",I said and Geodude fainted. She then sent out Nosepass and told it to use TakeDown, it was a critical hit. Matt nearly fainted, but NosePass had a little over half it HP. I told Matt to use Water Gun to end it and get the Stone Badge. Matt also grew to level 12.
After healing my Pokemon. I went up north and turned east. I saw the man in the green suit again, who looked like he was in trouble. I run up to him to see what was wrong and he told me another magma grunt stole his important papers. I headed east. I walked into a cave and defeated another magma grunt. I walked out and a trainer was waiting outside for me. " Hi your Marco right?", he asked. I replied, " Yes. You?"
" Oh I'm Nate,Pokemon Trainer, and National Police. I need your help I have heard some rumors of Team Magma and Team Plasma are going to fuse to make their evil plans even better." " I'll do it I'll help you.I just need to give the man his papers back.",I said. " Alright but be quick here's the
address.",He said he was positive he could trust me. He left and I went back to give the man his papers back. He was thankful and took me to the top floor of the building to meet the owner of the business. The owner said he was very thankful and gave me a PokeNav, with his number registered. I walked out and went to where the address was.
" There you are here you going to need some new gear.", Nate said. I was grateful for some new clothes, my black sleeveless and shorts we are ready pretty old. I thank him and looked into the bundle . I saw a the same suit he had on except mine was sleeveless and had white highlights(to symbolize my rookie status) and even a small badge,with the National Police icon on it. He also gave me some white athletic shorts to cover the bottom part of my suit,a pair of some nice,dark,night black shoes and a blue and white mesh backpack(which could hold more and was twice as thin as my original one). I registered his number on my PokeNav. Then Nate gave me an order to head to Dewford Town and explore the cave in that city. To see if there were any Magma or Plasma grunts lurking around in there. So I went off.
I healed my Pokemon and headed to the cave and bumped into Ruby. " Hey how's it going? I see you got new clothes.",he said. I answered, " I'm doing well." and quickly walked into the cave I couldn't reveal anything about what I was doing, at all to anyone except other workers of the National Police. I walked caught a level ten Abra and named her Alexandra. Then trained them all 5 levels. Matt was a level seventeen, Tim and Alexandra are level 15. Alexandra learned Confusion. I put Marco in front of my party. I went down a set of stairs. Then I saw a Plasma and Magma Grunt talking. They saw me and threw out their Pokemon. A Purple Pokemon I didn't know until he said it was a Purrloin. The Magma threw out a Poochyena. I decided to throw out Matt and Tim. After beating them I looked around some more. Then gave Nate the all clear.
After reporting to Nate I decided to challenge the gym. I walked in the gym and couldn't figure out what type gym it was. I saw the gym leader and figured he was a fighting type. I looked at my team,Marco was level 18, Tim was almost level 16, Alexandra was level 15. I put Tim in front of my party and walked up to the gym leader and challenged him to a battle for the badge. " Go Machop!",he said confidently. " Go Tim use Wing Attack!",I said confidently because before the battle started I gave him a Macho Brace to pick up his attack. It was a critical hit his Machop fainted. He sent out his last Pokemon still showing his confidence. " Go Makuhita! Use TakeDown! ",he said. It was a huge hit on Tim,he nearly fainted He now had 5 HP.
" Tim finish him with a Wing Attack!",I said confidently because we both knew it was over. I had won the Knuckle Badge. I walked out of the gym and healed my Pokemon. I was walking back to Mr.Briney. Nate called and told me to head to Mauville City. With no questions I went on to Mr.Briney's ship and headed to Slateport City and from there I'm going to head up North to Mauville.
Adventures In Hoenn
AdventureAfter the Freak Accident Marco decides to continue his adventures.