Walk in my shoes.

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I walked down the corrider following the assistant principle of my new school, Lilydale High. I was so anxious. I didn't know what to expect at all. I guess it did't really matter though, it's not the first time I've had to change schools. I guess thats just apart of being in foster care, you get moved around alot, may aswell get used to it sooner or later. After what seems like an eternity we arive at a door, my thoughts are racing, I can feel my hands clamming up, ew. He opens the door and steps inside. I follow him in with my head down, feeling even more anxious than i did a matter of seconds ago. We stand infront of a class with about 20 other students. I could feel them staring, even though my head was toward the floor. I could hear people giggling, I even hear someone whisper to another 'wow, what a faggot.' That tore a hole in my already bruised self esteem. Its true though, I am gay. So why does it bother me? Maybe it's just that deep down I know I will never truly be accepted, by anyone, 'This is Ryan.' Said the assistant principle. 'I am sure you will all make him feel very welcome.'   'Yes, I'm sure we will Mr. Campbell.' Said my geography teacher. 'I'm Mr. Bennett.' He said in a much to happy tone. He stuck his hand out as if for me to  shake it. I hesitate, and smile as if to kindly say 'Nice to meet you too, but I'm not going to touch you..'  'You can take that seat over there, next to Callum.' I smile and nod, in agreement. I make my way over to the empty desk, and sit down.  Wow, Callum was so beautiful, I couldnt help but stare. I must have lost track of time because before I knew it, the bell had snapped me back into reality. 'Hey do you want to hang out with me?' said Callum. 'I-I-..' Oh no, I cant speak. I awkwardly nod. He smiles. 'Come with me.' He says, I follow him. He takes me to an old oak tree behind a building. We sit down next to eachother. 'So, tell me about yourself?' He asks. 'Well I'm Ryan, I'm 15, I just moved to town. I dont really have any friends.' 'Oh, come on then. I'll go introduce you to some people.' He stands up and grabs my arm to help me get up. 'Ouch!' I cry out in pain. 'Whats the matter?!' He asks, seemingly concerned. 'Its nothing, forget it.' I say. I turn my back and stare at the ground. 'Ryan, look at me.' I turn around, still staring at my shoes. He takes my arm and carfully lifts my sleeve, revealing my torn up and scarred wrist. He looks into my eyes, I cant help but stare back, his eyes are a beautiful baby blue, I could stare forever. He takes my hands in his, takes a deep breath and slowly leans in and kisses me, slowly, softly, it was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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