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"Wooh! Come on, ya mutt. Catch us if you can!" My friend yelled to the vicious, blood-thirsty Rottweiler snapping at our rears as we jumped past two trash-bins which the dumb dog smashed into. "Your mom was a lap dog!"

"Shut up, Maurice! You're not helping!" I frantically screamed, as we averted the dog's snapping jaws. I frantically looked around for a low access point onto which I could jump onto safe higher ground and found one in the form of stacked newspapers along the fence.

"I've got to get going!" I yelled down to Maurice, who was leading the stupid canine in circles, as I safely watched from atop a roof.

"Hey! Maybe we can do this another time!" Maurice yelled back, with a bit of sarcasm. I just laughed as I ran ahead of my friend along the roofs. As we neared a forked alley, each of us took a different route. Thankfully, the mutt went after Maurice, but I didn't panic; I knew he'd find a way to get the pooch off his tail. The gray cat had a knack of coming out of the worst situations. His torn left ear was a constant reminder of his troublesome pranks, which I was always involved in, one-way or another. Nonetheless, I was sure that I would see Maurice curled up on my trash-bins in the morning, his fat rump snoring obnoxiously.

The sky was getting cloudier as I arrived home. My dimwitted owner was waiting for me by the door. Her red hair, plump cheeks, fat arms, beady eyes and squeaky voice instantly read, migraine, headache, nuisance.

"Where have you been, you silly little kitty. Sneaking out again? You just come for food, don't you, ya bad little kitty you. Now why don't you get your..."

Yeah, just keep yapping and I'll drown you out in a few seconds, you fat red headed piece of lard. I casually walked past her with my ears flat against my head to drown her out. I jogged pass the narrow, yellow kitchen, feeling a bit uneasy at the confining walls and went in to the more spacious breathable living room. The room had two windows to let the sun in, which each had a pair of dark purple curtains. They were never closed because of my handy work a few years back. I still tried to climb them on occasion, but never got far due to my owner's yelling. I walked over to the couch and jumped up next to my partner.

"Hey Damien, so you finally chose to come home. Is it permanent this time?" Sheryn greeted, with a sarcastically sour tone as I sat down. I let out a deep sigh as I jumped off, This is the last thing I need right now. I walked up the stairs and into a storage room filled with boxes and a window for some peace and quiet. Sheryn was right behind me, her collar tag gave her away with every step. Her stride was quickly paced, and that told me I had an irritated feline to cope with, as usual. I sat down on a box and turned around to face my angry lover.

As Sheryn entered the room, I could see she was upset. She had her ears flat, her tail was up and she was giving me a death glare. Here we go again.

"Damien, what is it with you lately? Coming home late, sneaking out at night? What are you looking for out there that you don't already have here?" Sheryn's green irises were like daggers, picking at me like needles or sand. They made me uncomfortable, as if I needed to scratch something but couldn't quite reach it. I turned my gaze towards the floor, but that only made me watch her ruffled tail move back and fourth, reminding me of her gaze.

"I don't know, but I'll find out." I turned around without looking at Sheryn and jumped out through the window to a near by roof. I walked along the roof and jumped down towards a fence and then down to the soft grass of an adjacent yard. After a good while of walking I ran into Maurice who was lounging around in an alley.

"Hey Damien, what are you doing out?" My friend asked as he trotted over to me.

"I-I don't really know." I told him with a shrug.

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