It was Corey's party hit 18 and after the party they decided to go back inside and check the Twitter and John turned on the TV and the noise was on a outbreak a disease they all up don't News anchor said 'outbreak has accord Zombie Virus it is taken so many lives' and then all you could hear next on the nose is screaming and the cable cut off Corey said 'this isn't good' Nick then side 'we should go into my car and go to the gunshot nearby so we can be protected have enough money for all of us to get guns this is going to be OK if we all stick together you here' they all agreed.
At the gun shop
They all got guns shotgun, rifle, machine gun and AK-47 uni said 'I don't know how to use a gun and I'm a bad shot you know how we always play games I would never get the shot right'
John said 'don't worry uni will get through this together don't worry we all are by your sued' Nick side to Tommy 'you say you're bad at video games well this is not a video game this is real life and then Nick side 'you can shoot a gun for this is not a video game ok Tom' Tom said ' how do you expect me to shoot a gun without practice nick it's not that easy' nick started snickering and laughing at Tom. Ashlie said 'let's go already for the zombies do attack we should go to somewhere safe where zombies won't get us and where we can take a snapshot at the zombies.
Uni side 'let's go'At the police station
Cory had a smart idea to hide in a jail cell so zombies can't get in and we can't get out so the zombies can't get in. Cory graved a axe that we found to break a hole in the wall next to us so we can keep changing spots and shooting them. Jon heard a loud noise at the door like a smashing noise the zombies were here at first we were a little frisky about this but after a while shooting them it was fine but then one zombie got through the jail cell into Uni's cell I ran to a cell he couldn't see it because he was talking to Cory I just in jumped in front of him and shot the Zombie 2 times in the head to make shore it was dead. thanks for saving me' and Jon side to Uni ' always stay on a look out OK' he nodes*
This reminded me of a game they play but I was bored j-hope you like it. To be continued...
teammate's to the end
ActionNewScapePro and friends in a Zombie Apocalypse. Read: next chapter might make you cry and idk what to call this 3 categories horror Hummer and Fanfic combined.