Shontelle's Life Story

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Shontelle's Life

Description time:

Shontelle - Big Boobs, big back - off, short, caramel skin, 16 yers old, Zimbabwean buh born in UK.

Chapter 1:

(8) Tight t-t-t-t-t-tight-t-t-t-t-t-tightesttt vaginaaa (8) it was ma gal Ericka she was Jamaican an she had the whole package boys worshiped her as if she is their queen, "bruv wah time yhu cmin ma yard, we got shoppin to do for Tyreesha's shubz inih" "jam man am jus leavin yard now inih" she sounded bare pissd nways ave to make sure dat i go lookin good don't know whu yhu cud bump into inih. Took ma time choosin wah to wear so i chose this with this i had to admit i looked Boom, i knoe i mus sound bare vein buh truss am noht, i use waheva ive got to work with inih so went downstairs goht £200 from ma mummy (yeh i knoe am spoilt) saw ma lil sister tryna be a princess rahhhtin me bruv she wanted to be one, bless her, gave her a kiss on the fore head and sed bye to ma maj. As soon as i steppd outside ma yard i see bare youts jammin n parrin each other. Went to the bus stop luckily ma bus came n as soon as i got on bare girls wer screwin at me, "jealous bitches kmrt" went straight up stairs and bare heads clokd me n sum sexy breh clokd me he was black, nice white teeth , brown eyes n ma guy was droppin blue like it nuffin jheeze " ey boomting" i walked up to sit at the back on the way nuff gals screwin at me "wagwan b am Marcus n yhu r" "am Shontelle" "so can yhu drop manz yhur digitz" " No " after him asking me bare time for it i gave him ma number jus to stop him askin n ma stop came up, goh off the bus n started walking to Ericka's.

I knockd her door n her brother Dwayne opened the door shirtless did i mention manz had a 6pack he started lookin at me up and down while licking his lips " rahh Shontelle you lookin sexy for me init" he sed with a grin "dream on baby boy" laughing, Ericka came downstairs screwin her face at meh for being late " leave her alone man she's 2 years younger than you" she sed getin pissd off, Dwayne let meh in n slappd ma ass as i went up to Ericka room, i looked down n him smiling at me. "We cnt have you lookin nicer than me" she sed lookin at me upside down n putin on her hoodie with jeggins she lookd boom styll we got ready. (8) Tight t-t-t-t-t-tight-t-t-t-t-t-tightesttt vaginaa (8) "um hello whus dis" "oh its Marcus init form the bus..." "oh yeh wagwan" "nuffin jus abt to go shoppin for sme shubz init" he went quiet for a bit den sed his goin to some shubz tonight aswell and he mite see me, "whus dat" askd Ericka being bare nosey "jus sme boy that chirpsed me up on ma way to yhur yard ini" "wats he's name" "jheeze bruv yhur bare nosey man" i sed to her hittin her with the pillow "his name is Marcus if yhu must knoe" "so yhu gonna loose yhu virginity with him then" "not even like i sed before am gonna wait init am no sket dat sleeps with random boys init" "true say buh cme we go lakeside now" she called the cab and we was on our way to lakeside went into loads of shops buh still cudnt find anyfin. We went into some shop n i found the perfect dress it was short and brown and white it lookd too nice truss.

I went back with Ericka to her yard and got dressd done my make up n dat (8) ) Tight t-t-t-t-t-tight-t-t-t-t-t-tightesttt vaginaa(8) it was Charlene she only jammed with us coz no boys ever noticed her n she knew dat me n ma other gals get noticed everwhere we go, Ericka gave me that look to say not to pick up buh i did nways "hey babes wah yhu sayin" "nuffin init jus gettin ready for Tyreesha's shubz" "oh yeh am cmin to dat, can i cme with u's coz i wont knoe the people there" Ericka started creassin for the fact that she was beggin to come with us, i threw the pillow at her to shut her up " err sure y not meet us in 10mins time" i sed to her then lockd off with a grin on ma face me and Ericka started laughing so much it was emosh. Someone was at the door so Dwayne went to geh it "Ericka yhur bun friend is here" looking at her in disgrace and carried on with what he was duin before, now i was creassin so much ma bell was hurtin "err we're cmin" she sed laughing at what her brother sed. We went downstairs to see Charlene screwin at Dwayne. "Dwayne" Ericka shouted "give us a ride to the shubz" she sed bare actin bare innocent "no please yhu knoe" he sed kissin his teeth" "please man" she sed getin annoyd, she finally got him to drive us there in the car there was silence in the car, we finally goh there bare heads turned to us as soon as we steppd out "be careful Ericka and Shontelle ave fun" i jus smiled, Charlene never sed one word to him since the greeting he gave her when she to came Ericka's yard me and Ericka looked at each other and smiled slyly, then i saw someone i've seen him before the boy i was sprung on Andrew he was light skinned for a jamacain , green eyes and ma guy had swagger jheeze he was rockin red and black he was jus too sexy every girl in my school liked him plus i don't even think he noticed me .

Tell me what you think this is my first time doing this so give me your opinions and tell me what you think about it. If you want the second part holla at meh and i will sed if i can write it.

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