Marcus' story

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Once upon a time, there was a horse named Marcus. Marcus had stage 3 breast cancer and was dying slowly but surely. However, Marcus was happy with his life. He had a wife named Caroline and two kids, Gloria and Ursula. He was content. His family could not afford to get breast removal surgery for him, so he decided to start a go-fund-me page online. As much as he was happy with his current position, he wanted to live to see Gloria and Ursula get married and have kids of their own. He wanted to live.

Almost the second he started his go-fund-me page, donations started pouring in. Marcus and his family were over the moon. They almost burst out of their stalls in joy.

Over the course of the next few weeks, they had finally raised enough money to get Marcus' breast removal surgery. It was scheduled for the next Monday, three days away. But over that two weeks, Marcus' condition had worsened and he could barely even go over the jumps when his owner, Caleb, rode him.

Marcus died Sunday night at 11:14pm, a mere 6 hours away from his surgery. His wife Caroline, in her grief, killed her kids and then herself. The end.

The moral of this story is just be aware of what horses with breast cancer go through every day. Spread the word and pray for Marcus up in heaven.  

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