Chapter 1

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It was past midnight when a car pulled into the driveway. The headlights flowed into her living room. Talisa was scared. She was freaking out. Her heart was pounding faster than ever before. It was pouring outside. The thunder so loud, she could barely hear herself think. Before she even realized what was going on, the doorbell rang. She stared at the door. Her heart pounding even faster now. She managed to get off the couch and make her way to the door. Her hands were shivering, she finally decided she wasn't gonna get scared. She flung the door open. And there he was! It was Nathan!

Nathan was at the door. Drenched in the rain. She couldn't believe it! She was so happy! So so happy! "we've found our next lead!!" He said. Talisa flung her hands open and hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy you're okay!" She said. Her eyes filled with tears. "aww honey! You think I would have left my wife all to herself?" Said Nathan, smirking at her. She couldn't help but smirk back.

"Go dry yourself now! You might catch a cold!" she said. "Wait, you don't want to see the next lead?" Asked Nate. "Of course I do! But only after you're dry and warm!" Said Lisa. "Okay, why don't you get me some food, I'll go dry myself, and then we both discuss our new lead. Sounds good?" Asked Nate. "Totally!" Replied Lisa.

It all started 6 months ago. Lisa was at her grandfather's place. Clearing the garage. She lived there before she went to college. Talisa Mayer was a smart girl. But life wasn't that good to her. She lost her mother to childbirth when her little sister Megan was born. She was raised by her grandfather. Her father apparently left the family and disappeared when she was a little girl. No one spoke of him. No one was allowed to either. She was curious initially and tried to know as much as possible. But eventually, she gave up. Her Grandfathers property was huge! It was a huge villa, old and rustic. Over 3 generations were born and brought up there. It had high glass windows and lovely floral wall tiles. The house had its own beauty. Lisa lived there her entire life. Until college. She moved out of town to join college, and that was she met Nathan. A tall muscular guy with lovely blue eyes and blonde hair. Not even three years into college, Lisa got a call from her family friends back at town, that her grandfather Mr. William Mayer was no more.

Not only was this painful for her. It was a problem. Her grandfather's property was too huge for her to live alone. But things fell into place when she decided to move in with Nathan. They were dating for 3 years and as soon as college got over, they said their vows and got married.

Talisa couldn't even imagine selling that property. It was huge and had soo many memories. She played there with her little sister and spent hours in the garden watching the clouds or the stars. That house was more than just a structure to her. It was a part of her heart.

It had been years since she heard from Megan too. Last time she saw her was at her grandfathers funeral. Megan had no interest in the property or the money. Though Lisa tried to give her half of the assets, because it rightfully belonged to her, she completely rejected it. And she disappeared again.

Lisa lived with Nate now. She hadn't visited her grandfather's house for about 4 years now. She had no idea at all. Whether to sell the property or keep it. Then a couple approached her, asking for her property. And they had a handsome price for it too. Lisa was completely against selling it. That house meant too much to her. But when she visited it, she couldn't think of anything but selling it. The house was dusty and rusty. It needed humans!. However funny that might sound, It needed to be kept and cleaned.

So finally Lisa made a deal with the couple and decided to sell it. But there was one problem. The Garage!

The Garage was a HUGE place. It had tons and tons of antique furniture. Lisa decided to sell all of it and clear the garage.

Lisa and Nate made their way to the garage. It had a huge metal door that hadn't been opened for 12 years! Last time it was opened, Lisa was 14 years old. And she opened it herself because her grandfather never allowed her to go in there. Not even 10 steps into the garage her grandfather caught her. He pulled her out and warned her never to go in there ever again! So opening the door now gave Lisa butterflies in her tummy. What might her grandfather be soo shady and private about? 

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