COMPLETION (A Drarry Oneshot)

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  DISCLAIMER-- First things first; I do not own Harry Potter or any other characters related to the series, the right solely belongs to J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I only borrow them to show others how I picture that world in my head. 

OK, so in my story, Fred Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin are alive and healthy, 'cause I love them too much to kill them;)

For those who have a bad habit of not reading tags, there's Slash(BOY X BOY), and some swearing, so be prepared to digest that. This story is from Harry's POV.

  ^-^__ Also, the video that has been added is a CMV (Cosplay Music Video)by TheMischiefManagers , of whom I'm a huge fan. Please check out their channel and subscribe to their YouTube channel... This story and 'Mischief being Managed'  are both inspired by the amazing people that play these characters in the videos...  A suggestion: Please see other videos first, they might offer some background to the video as its basically a kind-of slideshow of bits of previous videos with music.. 

Now, if you're still here, keep calm and Drarry on!


I hated it.

Absolutely, positively hated it.

Being Harry Potter isn't as easy as it sounds, neither is killing the psychotic nutter who made everyone's life hell a casual walk in the park. It took me 7 years of ruined teenage/school life, some really disturbing experiences and many dead relations, but I'd finally done it.

Yup, Lord Voldemort, the literal bane of the existence of anyone sane, the unofficial pain in everyone's ass, was now part of History (and I'm pretty sure Binns wasn't too happy about it), or as Peeves so eloquently put it,"Ol' Voldie's gone mouldy..." I was choking with laughter when I heard him saying that while swinging from the broken chandeliers in the hallways.

The Wizarding World was celebrating, whooping, crying and mourning the loss of loved ones, congratulating, attempting to dance an Irish Jig on the tables in the middle of the Great Hall (case in point: Seamus Finnegan and Neville Longbottom), and even getting piss drunk (like Remus, Mr. Weasley and Dean Thomas- courtesy of Aberforth). But there were also those who looked so lost and forlorn, as if they'd suddenly realized that they did survive the war and now had no idea what to do next, and... some looked so bloody weak and... defeated, I couldn't help but feel like all of that was my fault too. And I hated it.

I absolutely loathed the fact that despite the war being over ("Fucking finally," if you ask a disgruntled Ron, but he was happy now that he'd gotten together with 'Mione), I still felt that 'Savior Complex' unsatisfied within me, as if something's missing. Maybe all this chaos had finally driven me mad. 'Or maybe,' I rationalized, 'I had someone else I needed to make amends with.' But who?

'Ah,' my brain registered 'who' as I caught a flash of blonde in the crowd. Despite myself, my lips quirked up into a small smile, as I saw the Malfoys reunite. Malfoy had rebelled. DRACO Malfoy had rebelled, no outright refused to join the ranks of the self-proclaimed Dark Lord, and in a truly unexpected display of familial loyalty, the Malfoy Seniors had followed. That is what the House of Malfoy stood for, as I was later told. And when Neville drew up the sword of Godric Gryffindor, I knew that was my cue.

After a spectacular finish with minimal casualties on our side, we were huddled up in the Great Hall, or what was left of it atleast. Benches and mats were put up in a wide space cleared amidst the rubble, accompanied by a lot of muttered curses by Filch, the Squib caretaker, and we were rehydrating our wearied bodies and refreshing our spirits with cups of tea, coffee, mugs of Butterbeer, even Firewhiskey. Ginny and I spoke for a few moments, and came to this unanimous agreement that we weren't meant to be, and parted as good friends. She has really been one of my least judgmental friends, and so I had felt most comfortable in coming out to her in fifth year that I was bisexual. I found out that sexuality wasn't taboo in the Wizarding World, and even now Ginny felt more like a sister than anything else. Somehow, I felt we were a couple made not by our own choices, but what others made for us; or just me in particular. I got a great kick out of defying others' expectations for once. It felt good, making my own decisions for a change.

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