Ch. 1

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First Year

Today was the day her little boy was going off to school. Narcissa told herself she would see him at Christmas and that the holiday break wasn't far off. Only four months, she'd only have to spend four months alone at the Manor. Of course there was Lucius, but Draco would be miles away, and it just wouldn't be the same.

At least he's not going to Durmstrang, she told herself. Narcissa had barely convinced her husband not to send their son off to such a wretched, fowl, and not to mention far, place. She glanced down at Draco and shuddered. No, that most certainly was not the place for her sweet boy. He didn't need anymore coldness in his life.

Narcissa urged him to hurry so they wouldn't miss the train. They weren't far from the barrier now.


Harry stood alone in a crowd of unfamiliar faces at the train station.

He checked the golden ticket Hagrid had given him once again. It hadn't changed since the last time he'd looked, which had been minutes ago. Only what he saw still didn't add up. The ticket told him he should be waiting at a platform 9 and 3/4. Craning his neck Harry spotted a platform 9 and a platform 10, however nothing in between.

Maybe Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were playing a cruel joke, he wouldn't put it past them. But what about Diagon Alley? That couldn't have been made up. Beginning to wallow in despair Harry began to feel as though he were fading into the whirl of conversations going on around him.

"Next platform over Grace-"

"Don't forget to tell your aunt we say hello-"

"No John I don't have the estimated value for the next quarter-"

"Come, Draco dearest, we must get you to the platform before the train departs. The Hogwarts Express isn't waiting for anyone."

Harry froze. Hold on...could that be? Harry spun in a circle trying to find the speaker.

That's when he saw them. He picked them out from the crowd easily. They stood out among others in the train station with their white blonde hair and sharpe features. They looked impossibly regal in dark sleek clothes, not a single hair out of place. They walked with their noses up, the young boy pushed his trolley before him and his parents followed close behind. Harry's eyes landed on the owl and trunk the boys trolley carried and his hope soared.

Rushing up to them Harry was out of breath when he reached the small group. "Pardon me but could you show me to platform 9 and 3/4?"


The young boy appeared out of the trains billowing steam so suddenly that Narcissa barely managed to catch the handle of Draco's trolley before it hit him. Time froze around Narcissa Malfoy at the sight of the bespectacled child. It couldn't be, but it was.

Before them stood Harry Potter. The jagged scar, that just as legend whispered, appearing in the form of a lighting bolt beneath his rumpled black hair confirmed it. This boy's name was known by every witch and wizard there was. This boy with his tattered clothes and crooked glasses was as legendary as Albus Dumbledore himself, and for something he likely didn't even remember. He had brought the downfall of perhaps the most wicked wizard in all of history. And here he stood before her, asking for help.

Narcissa quickly gathered her wits and smiled warmly at him, even while her insides were squirming. Barely capable of seeing straight from anxiety she said, "Yes, of course, come along, darling."


It was him, the boy from the robe shop. Draco could see behind his mothers soft smile and caring words, he could see her panic. Draco glanced at his father and saw the panic in his eyes as well. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting to disturb his parents train of thought as they steered their trolleys through the thick gaggle of muggles who parted for the group, backing away from the other boys hooting snow white owl.

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