Coins (A Stony AU)

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Coins. Steve had a love hate relationship with them.

He hated them because he was constantly losing them, they just seemed to fall out of his pockets of get dropped down the back of things like the radiator or the couch or the bloody bed (And with huge arms like his he could never get them back).

But he absolutely loved them. He loved them because is was a Coin factory where he first met Tony. The love of his life.

It was a school trip. He hated the idea on going on a school trip all about coins but he went anyway because his best friend Bucky didn't want to go alone. At this point he'd heard about the new kid, the new that someone as rich as Tony Stark had come to a public school spread like wild fire, but he never intended on meeting him. He'd heard that he was arrogant and unforgiving. Not the type of person that Steve wanted to become friends with so he'd decided he'd stay clear of him.

Fortunately, even as the Captain of the schools football team, Steve had never been a lucky kid. He was walking around the crappy factory laughing with Bucky when Tony slammed straight into his chest. He remembered Tony shouting "Watch it Cap!" Before he ran off in the other direction with a glowering red head and a boy with a hawk t-shirt on his tails, he later found out they were Natasha and Clint the school 'spies'. After that they just kept bumping into each other around the factory. So eventually about ten minutes before they were due to leave Steve got a surprize when Tony actually decided to talk to him.

"Hey! Cap!" Tony called. Steve ignored him, he'd already decided not to talk to Tony the previous day. "Hey! Don't ignore me! I can end you!" Steve just glowered and span around.


"Whoa there feisty pants, I'm just saying hey" Tony said with a bemused smile on his face.

"Why?" Steve said wanting the convocation over.

"Dunno, I been bumping into you all day so I just thought 'Hey Tony you amazing and wonderful person why don't you talk to muscles because why not?"  Steve just looked at him confused. "Alright, sorry for trying to make friends, I'll see ya round Cap." He turned to leave but Steve stopped him.

"Wait!" Tony turned back around.


"Why do you keep calling me Cap?" He asked that question that had been bugging him from when Tony first crashed into him.

"You are the Captain of the football team right?" Tony said with a light smile.

"Oh right, well you can call me Steve." He held he hand out and Tony shook it.

"Okie dokie Cap." He winked then walked away.  

After that Steve and Tony just kept popping up around each other they don't even know why or how they just did. Eventually after a time of hate they became very good friends. They fell in love. The weirdest part was is that neither of them noticed they were virtually already in a relationship without kissing until it was blatantly pointing out by Natasha and Clint (And maybe some mix ups with Thor who actually thought they were in a relationship and had announced his proudness of them in front of all there friends and Tony's dad).

When they did both realise there love they went on dates and started living together, eventually they got married. But that was a quite few years after school and collage (They moved in together after collage and got married 3 years later). They had a great life with great friends. Tony even said 'Goodnight Cap' every night before bed. They were even planning on adopting when they were both 26. But then it happened. 2 weeks after Tony's 26th birthday he got the letter. It was the best and the worst moment of Steve's life.

He finally got excepted into the army.

At that moment he didn't know whether to throw party or sob uncontrollably in his room. But after some hugs, congrats and a very intimate moment Tony convinced him to go with the party idea. So that's what they did. Even with the alcohol in his system and the ache in his body from dancing he didn't get any sleep that night. Not even half an hour. This was his life long dream but he couldn't bear to leave Tony.

He was shipped out to Afghanistan 4 weeks later. That was two years ago. The only way he could communicate with Tony was via letters. He felt like he was in some soppy love movie but he didn't care. But even with the letters and a phone call once a month he wanted to be home. He enjoyed the first year but two years was getting too much, He only had 3 months left though before he could go home for good. He was currently writing a letter to Tony when it happened. The letter had read -

Dear Tony

Only 3 months left till I get to come home and see you. I've missed you like crazy. I know you've heard that a million times but I can't say it enough. In have enjoyed serving my country but I'm getting tried, I want to come home and adopted a kid and just love you. Today it was just a standard patrol but tomorrow we have to check out an empty warehouse, it shouldn't be too much trouble. Anyway I love you so much an I can't wait to get home. I hope I get a welcome home par

That was were he got up to when he heard an explosion coming from the west, it was the where they kept all the vehicles. He ran outside gun in hand but it was too late. Gun fire exploded from all directions an they were out numbered massively. Usually Steve would be amazing at handling these situations but for some reason he blanked. Unsure of what to do. Then he was hit. He'd taken a bullet before and it was only his shoulder.

But then he was hit again.

And again.

And again.

Stomach, other shoulder then leg. He went down, he was bleeding out, he was dying.

Suddenly he wasn't in Afghanistan and more.

He was in a crapping coin factory.

He smiled as he saw Tony. Tony smiled back.

And the last thing he heard before blacking out was.

"Goodnight, Cap"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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