Tagged By Skywalkers123

45 3 40

Hey guys it's Zari. I have been tagged by Skywalkers123 so let's get started...

1. Outside or Inside-
Definitely outside

2. Do I Have Any Games On My Phone-
No. Unless you count Wattpad as a game... but I don't so no.

3. Single or Taken-

4. Crush-
Used to have one but he likes my best friend.

5. Age-
12 almost 12 1/2 June 14th is my half birthday.

6. Birthday-
December 14th.

7. What I Want to be When I grow up-
A culinary chef.

8. Would I Want to Get Married in the Future-
I don't know right now I'm just trying to get out of middle school.

9. Do I Want a Boyfriend-
That's not a priority right now...... and plus my dad won't let me date till 19.

Last Question Drumroll Please

10. Am I adopted-
No. At lease not that I know of.

Oh yes I would appreciate it if you would send your prayers to Reyah1 school, work, and health issues are drowning her and she needs support. Thank you.

Now For the Tags

And Give It Up For My First Follower. She inspired me to keep pushing and to continue writing my story. Thank you for that!
ragnarhofferson !!!!!

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