Miss The Memories Pt 5

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Crystals pov.

I stared at Star seeing her shake. I frowned And shook my head slightly.

"So Commander Star, the rumors where true you really where held in the pit for a year?" Someone from my division asked.

 Star looked down keeping her eyes shut "I don't remember." She stated clenching her fists.

Marco looked at us "So the Pit is what again-yoi?" He asked. Star cocked her head to the side. "I thought I said something already. But it's a place where we hold our prisoners of war, our Warbeast's and where we are punished." She stated all with a shaky tone.

I looked at Marco who watched her with worry. "That is where you came back from that night at the tavern-yoi?" Marco asked. Star nodded "Exactly." She stated.

I sighed and looked down ignoring her other words. It was time for me to spill my guts.

"You weren't the only one living in the Pit Stary, I was in the pit too." I whispered softly. It grew quite as everyone stared at me.

Stars eyes flashed with a real sense of fear.

I tilted my head. "I get to spill my guts too. Might as well give them my whole life story like you did. Well anyway, Unlike you I remember everything. I was placed in my own cell because I was the only one of us left. Cookie left two weeks after you, He stayed for the mass burial, You left before we watched their bodies thrown in a large grave. Knives....Well lest be honest after that day Knives left too." I stopped. Star stared at me fear and sadness still in her eyes.

Her fists shaking more as I spoke.

" I was the only one still sane and stuck here on this god forsaken island. Where everyday I would wake up and see my family laying there! Torn to pieces and bloody. All of them dead. I would have nightmares that where so bad I was forced in the pit so I could scream and cry and fight all I wanted while the others slept soundly at night!" I stated harshly. my voice sounding horse as I ended every sentence. 

No more miss nice Crystal.

"They slept while I was dying Star! Do you know how that feels?" I asked her tilting my head leaning in forward?

"And, I wasn't getting better either! if anything it was worse. With every night alone I'd get more and more distant. And turn to the voices that kept me company at night. The imaginary people that where there. They weren't real. They'll never be real. I know that, I just I had no one else. Until you came."

Please crystal I'm real right? Of course you're real you're my best friend.

"The day you came to the pit, I thought we'd be good again. But the minute I saw you, I thought you were better off dead. Your body was just so broken. Your eyes, they didn't belong to the happy do as your told Lieutenant that we followed. They belonged to a person who was responsible for our family's death."

Star looked down her fists. This time Marco made his move and stretched his arm around her. I watched as she seemed to relax and continued. I have to.

"Then the nights came, and more screaming. It wasn't like mine. Mine was fear. Yours was of delight. I was on the top because I didn't like the ground. So I had the perfect view of what you did. I sat there every night in fear that one day it'd be me down there. And one day it was. It was when your Division's original commander came in. She had begun your 'rehabilitation' as they had called it and somehow you broke free."

"Stop!" Star yelped. Shaking her head. Her division looked at her shocked. "Stop Crystal, I don't remember this I don't want to remember this. It's late, they know history, They've seen the paintings on the wall they know who's dead. You're right I have Warriors syndrome because Versions killed us! I'm done talking." She stated quickly starting to get up. Marco stood up and followed her calling her name as I stood there shocked.

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