I met this very unique different type of girl. Everything about her made her stand out. I started talking ot her and discovered her name was Makayla. The way she smiled, cried, got mad just seemed so complete, it started becoming a part of my daily life. Talking to her each day started becoming a little part of my daily dose. There definatley was something in me that made me feel something about her, this feeling felt so unseen. After many long awake nights i figured maybe its love. I felt i was in love for the first time. One very fine day , i taught maybe its time to tell her the feeling that my heart holds for her. To my surprise she was the one that loved me as well, but just so stupid to realize. I hurt her each time with lying over and over again but realized i was wrong. I LOST her, i couldnt stay in hope either but i know theres still something in me about her that keeps me alive today.