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(Trigger warning-Abuse)

Jake's POV
(4 years earlier)

I screamed and cried while kicking and hitting him. He caught my arms and pinned them against the bed. "No! No No No No NO!" I kept screaming the same word over and over.
"Yes! Yes! YES!" He yelled right in my ear. I kept kicking wherever I could and I ended up kicking his groin. He instantly let go of me and I bolted as fast as I could down stairs and to the living room. I grabbed the home phone and dialled Danny's number.
"Jakey...what's going on?"
"You little bitch! Get over here now!" My father yelled. I could hear him coming down the stairs and walking across the floor. "Get away!" I screamed with Danny still on the phone. "Put the phone down and get over here right now you worthless bitch!" He screamed. He ran over and I dropped the phone on the couch. He dropped his shoulder and shoulder checked me into the wall so hard that I left a dent in it. I screamed out in pain. "You brat! Always being loud and worthless!! I should've killed you when you where a baby!! Maybe then your mother would still be alive!" He yelled the last part with so much venom in his voice it made me flinch. I went to punch him but he grabbed my arm and twisted it until we heard a pop and crack. I screamed in agony. I had tears streaming down my face and my arm was turning purple and swelling up. He punched me in the jaw and eye and kicked my knee. Just as I was sliding down onto the floor feeling really dizzy the front door busts open and I see Danny run in screaming what sounded like my name before I blacked out.

A/N hey guys, I'm back with a new book. I really hope this doesn't turn into a mess like my fanfictions
Anyways, hope u guys enjoyed the first chapter of this. I will be making the chapters longer as I get more into this.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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