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"A love clinic, really now, Taehyung?"

Taehyung could only give Jungkook a shrug of his shoulders, but the younger one didn't seem to like the idea of both the words 'love' and 'clinic' placed together on a lit up sign that flashed right back at him.

It is almost eight at night in Hongdae and the streets are filled with couples out on dates and performers who create crowds of attention, but Jungkook and Taehyung decided to stroll around to get their mind off of things. With the two of them sharing the same stress over the upcoming world tour and preparing for their next studio album with the others, a stroll around at night was the only thing that seemed to help them unwind and relax, even if it was temporary.

However, Jungkook did not expect that Taehyung was going to help him unwind by bringing him to a love clinic.

"Why not?" Taehyung says as he purses his lips into a line.

But before Jungkook could utter a reply, he's already being dragged by Taehyung who had the tightest grip on his sleeve that there was no possible way to stop him from doing so.

"How is a love clinic going to help me? And of all the things we need to worry about, you worry the most about my love life?" Jungkook protests, but it almost looks as if it's going through one of Taehyung's ear and out the other.

"It's going to help you find love again, trust me." Taehyung reassures him before he pushes the door open for the two of them to enter.

"Find love again, my ass." Jungkook mutters underneath his breath, and a nudge in the stomach is what he receives in return.

Jungkook looks around the fully lit clinic, almost similar to a doctor's clinic that he couldn't help but laugh. Is this even a thing? A real thing? There were no certificates or college diplomas to prove that diagnosing a broken-heart was an actual profession, but from the look on Taehyung's face, it seemed pretty legit.

But Jungkook was not going to give in, not a single bit.

"Enjoy your night, Jungkook-ah, I think it's my cue to leave~" Taehyung smirks, and he glances at the woman who was sitting at the front desk. "Meanwhile, (Y/N), I'm pretty sure you can take care of him from here, right?"

Alarmed, Jungkook froze, his eyes falling upon the woman who looked like she was around his age. She flashes him a confused look, but there was a soft smile that grazed her lips. He eyes her suspiciously as he turns towards Taehyung.

"Wait, so you're telling me that you know her?" Jungkook asks incredulously, and Taehyung's smile falters. "Is this even a thing?"

The woman slowly stands up from her desk, and before she could move the slightest bit, he burst out into a dry laugh. She hesitates, standing in the same spot as she and Taehyung watch him continue to laugh. But before she could even reach out to him and try to hear him out, he lets out a sigh.

"This is ridiculous! Do you own this place?" He questions her, and Taehyung tries to scold him for being a bit too harsh with his words but Jungkook only sends him a death glare.

She feels taken aback, and all she could do is shake her head in reply.

"It's been my first two months working here, so.." She trails off, scratching the back of her head and he bursts out into another fit of dry laughter. She looks at him questioningly until his laughter dies down.

"Yeah, this is absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe you would—wow, I just — I don't need this, I don't need help." He stammers as he tries to stop himself from laughing, and he turns towards Taehyung. "And you, I just—wow, you really think I'm that desperate, huh?"

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