The Plague

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The Plague

"Everything is going wrong. Grab all your stuff: The world is coming to an end."

I don't know what to do anymore, I need to gather everything up and get ready for the "apocalypse." Streets are crowded; everyone yelling. It's getting annoying. It's been going on for at least three days now without anystop. People flying in and out, they're overreacting just a bit too much. Is "The Plague" that scary? I'm sure it's nothing bad. Its reeking havoc. Everybody is getting into fist fights for no Goddamn reason. "Tylar! Come on, we need to hurry! Let's leave before the place gets crowded!"


My name is Tylar Dacosta, a normal 14-year old boy in the 9th grade. School has been cancelled, so I don't need to go to school anymore. I'm pretty happy with that. I can sit all day long eating junk food and playing video games. Until my mom comes into the room. When she does, I need to drop all my stuff, leave everything right where it is, and go outside to gather supplies, it really is just a drag.  If I don't, She'll take away my gaming set, and everything else, like my DS, phone, and laptop.
"It's kind of hard to believe that three scientists caused all of this!"
"Yeah, making a new species? What could've gone wrong? Maybe destroying the whole human race? I don't know."
Oh Yeah, let me fill you in. three Scientists, by the names of Nathaniel and Harold Junice, and Freddie Wong, thought it was a good idea to make a new animal species, unfortunately the experiment failed and caused all of this. The animal was originally going to be a flying dog, or something like that, but it didn't work out. The animal's guts popped and exploded!     Ok, it wasn't that bad, but I know for a fact that the animal's guts popped out. It made a huge mess, and caused the plague to spread and kill because it had some type of disease or something. They really are just stupid.

Ok, now back to the conversation.
"Hey, its 2:30! We've been talking too long; we need to go now, Tylar, so come on! You know what we need to get today."
"Yeah, some canned foods and lots of water."
"Bingo, you've got it. Here's your money for today."
Food and water. Can't be that hard, right?

Big mistake. the store is packed with people.It's going to be pretty hard getting all the stuff I need.  Lucky for me, the stuff I need are at the back of the store, and there are only two entrances, both at the front part of the store, and none at the back. This is going to be a pain, we usually go out at night time but they apparently closed the store for that night. Something about cleaning? Anyways, this is going to be a toughie.
Well, I can just wait out until night time, but I can't imagine what my mom would do if I did that. We wouldn't want a murder, right? My mom is a really angry lady if something doesn't go the way she wants it to go. Thinking about it, maybe that's why my dad divorced her. Mom would embody hell's wrath when she's angry. Well I should hurry up, and get what I need.

Oh God.
From the outside, it didn't look like many people where in the store, but in the inside, there's like a thousand people! How am I going to do this? My mom's going to kill me, then my console! That's the only way I can talk to my girlfriend! Oh and it was our three month anniversary today! Hell No! I'm going to get killed. Not just killed by her, but my mom too. Well,  I'm going in. Meet me in the afterlife if I don't make it, O.K? Alright, that's a promise. Everything is scattered, things are flying overhead and below.
Jump. Slide. Move to the right, move to the left. Sounds like I'm in a game, like Mario or something.
Jump! 100 points! Slide! 200 points! Dodge, Dodge! Double modifier. 800 points! This is getting fun. This is not boring at all anymore. Oh crap, looks like I missed the food and water aisle, I wasn't thinking at all. Well that will cost me game time. Two Water packages and two packages of chicken noodle soup. Delish.
Looks like I have everything I need. With all the weight in my hands and my tiny legs, I bolted to the finish line. Also more known as the Checkout line.
2,4,6,7. 7 people in front of me. Lucky timing, looks like a bunch of people just left.I may get lucky today.
"Run!" Someone was screaming at the top of their lungs. Everyone started leaving so I quickly followed. Extra lucky! Didn't need to pay. Looks like I get more money for me.
    As soon as I walked outside of the door, I knew something was wrong. There was Black stuff in the air. Kind of like soot or something.
"Don't breathe it in; or else you'll die!"
Now I'm getting really scared. I need to find mom and get out here ASAP.
Where did she say she was? Walmart? Winners? She probably didn't get anything and went to StarBucks, knowing how she is. Well she better hurry soon. Where's the bunker? I need to go there, that's where I'm going to be safe. I need to put all the food in there and get my gaming console, some cards, and extra food. Console, cards, food.  It feels like I'm running faster than Usain Bolt. Or time is slowing down. That is a really bad thing. That means that in a minute or so all my memories are going to flash before my eyes. And then sooner or later I'm going to die.

I'm running as fast as my legs can carry me. Tasting blood in my mouth. And it feels like my heart is going to explode. There it is. My house and my bunker. First I need to put all the stuff in the bunker. It's coming fast. Quicker than ever. Like a cheetah chasing after it's prey. But right now it's Death chasing me, it's prey.

Wheres mom? She's not here. I hope she's close...

Keys, keys, keys.  My hands are fumbling. I can't get the right key. This is so stressful and scary. Knowing that I'll probably die in a few minutes. What can be scarier than that? Finally I'm into the house. I need to go all the way upstairs to get my console. Get my junk food and some playing cards. I lost the feeling in my legs now. My legs don't feel like walking any more. They refuse to move. I have to force them to. "Move. Move. Move!" I can feel the blood flowing back into my legs. That's good, now to get all the stuff. First the console. Grab that and a few games to play on. Second, get the food. Doritos and some poptarts. Last, I need to get the cards. Where were they? They're not on the bed, or on the floor. Why do I have to be so messy? I should've listened to my mom yesterday and cleaned up my room. But who would rather clean up their room instead of playing games? Who needs cards. I'm good to go, now; back to the bunker.

This time when I got to the bunker my mom already was there, and there were also two other families. I wonder why they're here, and who they are. One family had two sons and a teenaged daughter, kind of looking like a goth. The next family was pretty decent: One teenage boy and one teenage girl. Nothing looked wrong with them. Looks like we were set forever. My mom closed the iron door and all light from outside was cut off.
We were alone in the bunker.

I wonder how things would turn out.


                                                                     For now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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