Arthur and Alice

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She's sleeping soundly, here in myarms. She feels so soft, her curvy pillow like (skin tone) body, anda few strands of her (hair length) (hair color) (curly/wavy/straight)tresses was sitting across her face, moving gently with her sleepybreath. I pushed them behind her ear before it could tickle her noseand awaken her. As much as I'd love to see those(sparkling/smoldering) (eye color) pools but she was fast asleep andshe needed as much sleep as possible.

Name didn't have an easy life, she wasabsolutely gorgeous; curvy and pleasantly plump. However othersdidn't see it that way, they called her fat, a pig-horrible namesthat I'd love to destroy them for. I did curse them, but never badenough to make up for what they did to her. They wanted her to bestick thin, tiny and bony. I don't find anything wrong with scrawnywomen, I happen to be kind of scrawny myself, I can even see theappeal as they often look very delicate. However I don't see how,even if they find skinny or delicate or even elfin women appealingthey can see her as anything but absolutely amazing.

However their lost is my gain.

I had met her two years ago, we hadgotten to know each other, and it was a while for us to admit ourfeelings for each other. It is well known to my brothers that I wasvery hard on the outside. But with Name I just...I was different. Ifelt so much more relaxed and open to her.

However as 'open' as I was I was stillkeeping secrets from her. Ones that was tearing me apart. Ever sinceI was a child I had sometimes felt like a girl, it wasn't always, butsometimes I felt like one, others I felt like a man. If I suddenlywoke up one day to be in a woman's body I imagine I'd still not befully satisfied, honestly I more often feel like a man than a woman,but sometimes I do.

It is so confusing and I don'tunderstand it. It doesn't make sense and I don't know if I ever will.But that isn't just it.

As I grew older I had crafted a femaleidentity, Alice Kirkland, I told everyone-including Name-that Alicewas my twin sister. When I met Name I never dreamed that she wouldcome to mean so much to me. She was amazingly beautiful, but I didn'tlook into her (eye color) orbs and just fall head over heels.

It came slowly, but it was at the sametime so fast. I didn't think anything of it as I became her friend.As Alice I was her best friend. As Arthur I was her boyfriend. I waslieing to her, she deserved to know the truth.

But to tell tell her wouldprobably destroy me. Still I couldn't keep this up forever, not onlybecause I couldn't be married and have her wondering why Alicecouldn't be a bride's maid or something. But for more then that theguilt has been steadily eating away at me.

So now is what I have to do. I know it,I've trying so long to deny it, for any other possibility but I'vealways known that this is what would have to happen. I had to tellher the truth, I hope that she wouldn't be too made at me for lieingto her, both as her lover and as her friend.

Figuring that this was the best I wouldget tonight, I closed my eyes and held her to me, hoping that thiswouldn't be the last time I get to sleep with her in my arms.

The next morning I get up early andhead downstairs to make her some food. A full English fry up, I'lltell her after breakfast.

"Hey Arthur!" I turn and smilegently when I see my oldest friend, Flying Mint Bunny.

"Oh Flying Mint Bunny," I focusquickly on the rapidly cooking eggs.

"What's the matter?" The bunny askand I sigh.

"I have to tell Name. I have to tellher today." I say and rub the back of my neck as he speaks again.

"Tell her?"

"I have to tell her that I am Aliceas well as Arthur."

"Why?" He asked sitting on thecounter.

"Because I've always sometimes feltlike a woman, but I can't keep lieing to her like this. I should havetold her long ago." He sighed, "I just don't know how to tell herI am secretly Alice."

"Secretly what?!"Arthur turned shocked, his heart plummeting into his stomach.

"Name?!" Heasked as he saw you, your hair mussed slightly and your pajamasrumpled slightly. "I'm sorry Name...I never meant for this tohappen. I never thought I'd fall in love with you, I just...Ididn't-" I stopped talking and looked down, I didn't know what moreto say. This was it. I was going to lose you.

However somethinghappened that shocked me, your lips pressed against mine, soft andsweet. Was this it then? A kiss goodbye? Pulling away you weresmiling.


"I'm not goinganyway Arthur." She whispered and nuzzled inot me and I'm shocked."I love you, I don't care if your a man or woman." She said and Iheld her tightly, like I was afraid to lose her. And I was. "HonestlyI'm kind of relieved." She whispered and I looked confused,"I've...I've been having feelings for Alice. I felt awful. Now itmakes sense." She said blushing and I chuckled, that was my Name.

I tried a different version, thisbeing from England's point of view. I'm not very good with firstperson, I prefer third person. However I hope you like it. And Itried writing this, especially the first few paragraphs, I thought ofmon ange. I really feel like England is out of character, but I hopeyou like it.

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