The Changers Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

The figure fell helplessly to the ground.  What I wanted to do: scream and run away, hoping it wasn't true.  I want someone to appear and tell me that the lights are playing tricks with me.  But of course that wasn't going to happen; my brother lay on the street in front of me, drenched in his own blood.  Although, my actual reaction wasn't as jumpy as what I wanted to do. I elbowed Peter who stood astounded behind me.

"Help him!" I screamed at Peter for not reacting fast enough.  We have to do something, he is barely breathing, we can't just stand here, he's dying, my brother's dying, I panicked. 

Hesitantly, I took a step towards Ethan.  Just as soon as I had stepped forward, Peter had grabbed my hand and was pulling me back whispering, "We have to get out of here."  But I wouldn't listen, I have to save my brother!  I tried jerking away from Peter, to no avail. That's when I saw his nose twitch.  His arm moved from his side, revealing darker, bloodier splotches on his shirt.  The blood dripped to the pavement, revealing skin through the holes of cut up shirt. The skin was unscathed, untouched!

"It's not safe here," Peter insisted.

"That's my brother!"

"He never told you? He's a werewolf! Tonight is a full moon, we need to get you safe! Come on." Peter replied, rushing. 

Peter took my hand.   The look on my face was completely dubious, because, well: werewolves don't exist. Peter's gaze then snapped from me to my brother's body, which was flailing rapidly on the cement.

"Help him!" I pleaded, my voice cracking.

"There's no way to... come, please, he wouldn't want you to see him like this." And Peter and I ran away into the night, leaving howling cries behind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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