Everyone has a crush. Even I have a crush. Technically I'm dating her but I'm going to be talking about my friends crushes. I'll first talk about Reese's crushes (I'll tell their account names after the story.) First Reese had a crush on a guy named Ben. She thought she would be with him for life! In fifth grade she saw a sixth grader that she thought was hot. SHE EVEN STALKED HIM! LIKE WHO THE FUCK STALKS THEIR CRUSH! My next friend that had a weird crush was Ilsa. She is gay and me and her go to band together. when we went to a special concert because of our talents, she saw a girl and fell in love right away. She took a picture of her and even showed me what she looked like. I guess I can mention Max. He is also dating this girl named Ashlyn. They have been dating for almost a year. last, I'll talk about my crushes. My first crush was on this girl named Gina. She is nice and very smart, but we didn't have a lot in common. Then I had a crush on this girl named Emma. Me and her had things in common and I ended up dating her at the last day of 7th grade. One last thing. A girl named Elise liked me! She was pretty upset when I asked Emma out. Ilsa and me were by the water fountain and Ilsa was telling me that I should give her a hug but I didn't because I thought it would be uncomfortable. Elise ended up telling my best friends sister ( Hayden) that my girlfriend was mean. I mean that was a lie but still that was cold.
thats all! make sure to vote! see ya in the next story!
Reese as Ba3khyunBits
ilsa as Miagereba
Emma as ActualKpopTrash26
Bored AF
Randomi'm bored and my followers do stuff where the tell you about their life so i'm just going to do that. ENJOY!