Prologue: The Beginning

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I'd like to make a quick note before the story starts. Firstly, I was originally going to make a story based on FlashPhoenix's Mega Academy but once his new book Hidden Secrets came out, I decided on that instead. Big shout out to him and check him out, he just uploaded two new stories and I like them. Secondly, this is going to be my very first story that uses P.O.Vs since I never did these on my other stories. I hope you enjoy this.

Serena's P.O.V:

My name is Serena Yvonne and I'm one of the most popular girls in Kalos Academy. I live in Vanville Town and my boyfriend Calem lives across the street from me. When I was younger, I only had one friend but after leaving Kanto and moving to Kalos, I became a well-known person at school. The people I hang out are as popular as I am. Misty is a tomboy who is in the girl's swim team and trains well with water type Pokémon. May is a performer like me who is the 3rd best in the school. Dawn is also a performer and one of my closest friend, she is the 2nd best performer in the school. And finally, Leaf, my best friend who is a battler and loves to have a challenge. If you're wondering who the best performer in school is, that would be me. As all of us girls were walking to the cafeteria, we spotted the table known as the loser group. The biggest loser overall is Ash and he never battled anyone so he's the weakest battler ever. I decided to go up to him and insult him.

Ash's P.O.V:

Hi, my name is Ash and I used to live in Pallet Town. I moved to Kalos after my parents died and when I saw Serena, I was happy to see her. You see, when I was 5, I knew Serena from summer camp and helped her out when she got lost in the forest and injured her knee. But all of that has changed since because now, she acts like a narcissistic girl who only cares about her looks and ego. I can't believe I fell for a girl like that, but my best friend always tells me that she might change. Luckily, I have some friends at least. There's Gary who can flirt around with girls but tends to get rejected a lot. There's Drew who has a crush on May but never had the courage to tell her. There's Barry who can be very hyperactive yet funny too. There's Andrew, a very smart person and my best friend, he is autistic and gets bullied like most of us but he can hold his ground. And then there's my brother Red, he and I are amazing battlers but we hid this from everyone. People think we're weak but boy are they wrong, today is the day they'll see the true power of what's known as the loser group.

No P.O.V:

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the loser group" Dawn started.

"Does it look like we put a welcome sign to let you go near us?" Barry questioned.

"Does it matter, we can insult you all we want" Misty replied.

"For your information, we'd like to at least have one day of peace redhead" Gary stated.

"Hey don't talk to her like that" May snapped.

"What are you going to do, cry about it like how ugly your faces are?" Ash questioned.

"That's it, you and me battle" Serena screamed, "I'll beat you any day"

"Fine by me" Ash replied.

The two took their places in the battle area where the referee Clemont stood in the middle.

"This will be a 1 on 1 b-" Clemont started but was cut off by Ash.

"Make it 6 on 1, I'd like to show everyone my true power and I want to battle all of her Pokémon at once" Ash interrupted.

"Um ok then this will be a 6 on 1 against the Kalos Queen Serena Yvonne and the challenger Ash Ketchum" Clemont cried.

"I better get this on film" Andrew said in an English accent.

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