Je t'aime

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"Wynn, everything's gonna be okay. You look so beautiful, honey."

"Thanks, mom. Im so nervous. Can I do this?" I said, looking straight at my reflection on the mirror. I look so... Different. I can clearly see myself, the girl that once dreamed big and made it true.

My hair, tied up on a big bun that is surrounded by small diamonds. My eyes, so bright that I couldn't imagine. These accessories that are around me, look undeniably expensive. And the only thing that is definitely present, but cannot be seen on the mirror, is my heart. It beats so erratic, going crazy and leaving me feel really nervous.

"Yes, dear. Cheer up! Its your day." Mom said, bringing all the feels back and sort of lessens my nervousness.

The big day has come. And there is no more turning back. Im already in front the church's big double-doors and there is over a hundred people waiting for me. And once those doors open, Im just a click away from the future I've been dreaming for.

My bestfriend, Clara, asked if I am ready and a nod was all I was able to bring out. And suddenly, the brightness filled the church, leaving all of the people see me, about to walk to the altar. With all of their happy smiles and some of the thumbs up I see.

My dad, Joe, is ready to walk me to the altar, and hand me to my groom. With teary eyes, I got my arm around his and kissed his cheek.

"Dad, dont be like that." With a soft chuckle, my eyes went all teary but I knew that crying wont make it better.

"My daughter is fully grown now. I am so proud of you."

He started walking with me. Im seeing all support from his and my mom's eyes. It's great, to see it in their eyes that they are proud and happy for me.

And then, for a matter of seconds, or minutes, I was there, at the altar. My dad is now passing the honor of having me, to my groom. If this was all a game, it would be fine, it would feel fine to take his hand or turn my back at him. But now, it is for real.

The feeling of having a new chapter of your life is surreal, bizarre. I wish I could laugh, or save it for tomorrow, or for the next week. But no. If I run away from this, it's gonna be over. Its so absurd for me to be thinking like this in the middle of my wedding. But I just can't help it.

I took his hand with the same smile he's giving. That sweet, captivating smile that gratifies me all the time. And those eyes of his, making me fall down my knees again and again. Those lips, that keeps me drooling and loving him more.

That moment, when I was taking his hand and coming next to him, I felt as if God has given me the best, more than what I ever wanted. I was looking at his features, that I will see every morning I wake up to from now on.

"Hey." He spoke, breaking the tension between us.

"Hey, yourself." I giggled and focused my eyes on our intwined hands.

After all the priest's sermon, after saying all the vows, after having all the eye contacts, the final step to have forever is on board.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said happily.

Dylan kissed me. With his hot, dreamy lips. But then we parted, that leaves me for wanting more but I knew that we wouldn't want to set the church on fire.

He looks straight into my eyes, showing me our forever. Making me realize how great is to fulfill your dreams and have way better things and lots of surprises. With his thumbs, he gently brushed my cheeks that makes me focus on him and have no escape.

His lips parted and it leaves me hearing him, and only him. I became deaf, because he's the only one I hear. It feels like there is no one around us. Just him and me. Just the two of us at the middle of nowhere. It wasn't the first he told me that but it still caused my doubts and worries to leave.

"Je t'aime, Wynn. Toujours."

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