encounter begins

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           "Amazing it would be!"- said Inayat. "Yes obviously"- zara replied.
            Inayat and zara are best friends. 'Best friends forever'. They could have killed me for skipping that 'forever'.
            It was last day of school before the beginning of summer vacation and Inara (Inayat and Zara) were happiest that day. Though they won't be able to enjoy their school lives for 50 consecutive days but they were happy for their vacation plan.
            Inara can never stay away from each other for more than 2 hours except if they are asleep, so they decided to spend their vacation together. 25 days Zara will stay at Inayat's place and for other 25 days Inayat will switch over to Zara's.
           It started with friendship but they now consider each other sisters (soul sisters).
          "Be ready at 7 in the morning"- said Zara. "I'll be waiting to be picked up Darling." -Inayat replied.
            Tempting night it was! Thousands of plans went through minds of both of them. They were indeed in state of making the clock strike 7 purposely for starting their fun. 3 o clock, quarter past 4, half to 5 and finally 7! Inayat ran to the door and Zara's father was waiting there with his car. "Happy holidays."- said Inayat's mom and the car left for Zara's place.
          Zara's father gave a box of chocolates to Inayat. "Though i didn't need it....i mean it wasn't necessary...but thanks uncle."- said Inayat.
         She had a real bad habit of trusting people easily and this habit was active whether she was conscious about it or not.
          "The ride was pleasant right?"- asked Zara's father. "Uncle where is Zara?" - inayat asked ignoring his question at first place. "There you are my princess!" Zara came with a smile and these words of love to hug her best friend. "Come i'll show you my room." ... "our room it was supposed to be."... "ok fine. Our room."..."this place is nice."..."though i never found it but now that you are here it will be! -nice." And the conversation went on.
           They were spending good time in 'their' room when Zara's dad called them downstairs for breakfast.
           "Bread-butter is my favourite!" -Inayat exclaimed, "and you know i hate it"- said Zara. "Yep. I remember you making me eat your tiffin whenever you brought it." They giggled.
           "Well, the breakfast today, is entirely made according to likes and dislikes of Inayat"- said Zara's dad. "That's so sweet of you uncle." - Inayat smiled. Poor girl was absolutely unaware that it wasn't sweet at all.
            Bread butter was served with excuse of touching those buttersoft hands. "Ah. Sorry dear. It was..."
           "Its alright uncle. No problem☺"
            It feels terrible to know this story now and not being able to help this girl. It was there when the beast started to keep watch over beauty.
            The 'best friends forever' had a great day ahead and were too tired to plan for next day so they cancelled their late night netflix plan and switched over to their bed. *knock knock* and there came the beast with another cheap intension of his. "You two have to keep the door open while sleeping. No secrets are to be kept. You are allowed to have every sort of fun but i must be knowing about it"- said Zara's father. "But dad...."
             "Shh... you shouldn't be arguing with you dad! It's ok uncle we will do as you say. We make sure nothing will be hidden from you." -Inayat's words were sweet and polite but foolish after knowing what happened next.
                Inara had their gossips continued till 2. Every good night was followed by another good night after 20 minutes. 2 o clock, both of them fell asleep. A wonderful day with friend makes anyone feel alive and so was Inayat feeling that day- alive!
                Inayat was a young girl and beautiful beyond imagination. She had a fair complexion and dimpled chubby cheeks. This short girl with messy hair and blue eyes was breath takingly beautiful.
                Well, a young beautiful girl attracts many boys, but this time it was a man! A man who wasn't man enough to spare her daughter's friend. A dark shadow fell over Inayat's glowing face under moonlight, before she could say anything her lips already got sealed with and unexpected and definitely unwanted kiss. Inayat protested. And she was finally out of his hold. Zara woke while the chaos and her father smartly slipped from the room. Knowing that the culprit was Zara's father Inayat still had a hope of help and narrated everything to her. Zara bursted into laugh. "Are you serious? Good night inayat. You are drunk probably or it was just a dream!" She shrugged. It wasn't zara's fault either but it left inayat helpless. Remaining night was spent sleepless by her and she wanted to run away from this place as soon as possible.
            Morning was pleasant but sleazy for Inayat for whatever happened last night. She was packing her belongings to leave afraid of whatever happened and absolutely unaware of what yet has to happen. A day before the place which was making her feel alive was the same place which was killing her now!
           "Good morning Inayat"- greeted Zara's father.
             She started shivering on hearing his voice. "G....goo...good....mor...." and the coffee mug slipped from her hand. "Careful pretty girl. Seems like you are fond of this habit of loosing control."
              What feels worse than being a victim and apparently the culprit? Inayat was going through this worst feeling and was absolutely helpless. And then the time came when they finally faced each other in absense of Zara.
             "What was it? Why did you do it to me uncle? I was like a daughter to you and you just... why did you break my trust? You owe me an explanation!" -saying this she broke down into tears.
               "Do what to you? Was it a big deal for you? Come on, Zara narrates everyday's happenings of school, i know about all those kisses of yours and for a slut like you, adding a kiss to your list is definitely no big deal!" -Zara's father replied and left Inayat speechless!
               When everything shatters best friend is already there to fix up things but what if best friendvwas the one who broke you into smithereens?
              Inayat was too young to understand what exactly was happening with her, but all she knew was she needed Zara badly but instances made her doubt on her too!
             That was probably end of Inara, but you never know what life has to serve next. Amidst whatever happened Inayat encountered an Imposter. And maybe, just maybe, it was her own best friend.

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