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Some people say that the soul is really the one that falls in love, that the human soul is the one responsible for that strange feeling we feel whenever we're with that one person who truly makes us feel human. It's strange isn't it? That out of all the million people around you, your soul chooses only one specific counterpart to be with, maybe that's where the term "soul mate" originated. The undying bond that those two specific souls will never break, a bond that signifies everlasting.

Hi I'm Skylar, I am a soul searching for a place to belong, a soul looking for someone to help me in my journey to peace, a soul partially broken to pieces and wants to be whole again. I am a 15-year old boy, I actually read a lot unlike the usual "boys" you'll see in public. I am a bit pale in complexion, and has hazel brown eyes, I do not have that perfect pointy nose but my lips are kissable enough, my hair has its natural messy look and well my physique is not that fit for I love to eat. I prefer to be alone, not that I'm anti-social or what, maybe it's because of my anxiety and depression. It's hard enough to have anxiety where I always feel that the people close to me will always leave me one day or the other but add up depression to it doubles the pain for depression sometimes causes me to push people away even if it's against my will.

Books and dancing, that does not go well with each other at some point but reading books and making choreographies is what I do best. For people with anxiety will always want to escape the harsh reality that this world has to offer. You might find it weird that a boy like me prefers reading rather than going out there and being adventurous just like my friends and classmates. I do have friends, if you're wondering, besides the fact that I have anxiety, I still have my social life at some point. And mind you I also have school even if psychiatrists suggests that I should be homeschooled for my anxiety could actually trigger me in front of other people and my parents would never want that for they have a reputation to hold on to. I study at the Pilot Science High School in the Philippines, Manila Science High School, known to most people as MaSci or some would say home of excellence. It's all balderdash and metaphorical to say it is the home of the excellent if most students have bad P.R. I actually termed my school home of the judgmental beings for most of the students in the campus are judgmental enough to trigger just about everyone with anxiety with just a feeble statement.

Speaking of friends I have my good friend Ja-el who is my best friend and partner in crime, he is a Muslim boy whereas people would think that our tandem is like some sort of a religious history for a Catholic boy to be best buds with a Muslim boy would be absurd yet unique and very bold to do so. He's that type of guy who always prefers to be alone and not be bothered with nonsense things. Another close friend of mine is Mico, a Christian and skilled musician, he's one of those cool kids who plays a lot of guitar. What sets Mico apart from other guitarists is that he can also play other musical instruments aside from the mainstream instrument, guitar. So those two are my best bros but our squad actually consists of four members and the last one is a girl named Sean, a smart girl with an attitude problem, one thing that will surely captivate you more with her is those gleaming eyes that speaks a thousand words just by looking at it.

School days are the best because I get to spend 12 hours with people who actually makes me feel happy like almost all the time. So like the usual days here we are sitting at English class with Ma'am Lali Alcay, the usual boring 1 hour of our lives, all those irrelevant things she's teaching us makes me want to puke, she is our English III teacher (oh by the way I am currently in my 3rd year at High School). "You actually listen to her" Ja-el suddenly speaks out of nowhere "Well unless you want to be put into detention writing things for her then don't listen." She was discussing something about Greek mythology being all tragic in the end. "Deianira was the wife of Hercules who didn't trust the guy fully resulting to Hercules' death..." There I was listening to that one line and it all just comes back in flashes.

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