July 20th

62 7 1

Sorry that that last letter was really short.
And cheesy.
But I also have to apologize for another thing.
I'm sorry for not visiting you daily anymore.
Now I just visit you weekly.
I've gotten so busy with new friends but don't worry.
I won't forgot about you.
I'll never forget about you.
You're way too important to me to be forgotten.
I've met new people and made new friends but I won't leave my old friends.
I don't plan on ditching anyone or replacing them.
That's another reason why I've been so busy.
I want my love for everyone to get passed around fairly.
Although I admit to enjoying the attention and happiness I'm still sad.
I'm a lot better but the feeling of sadness still lingers inside me.
Most of the time I shrug it off and try to ignore it but the only time it seems to go away is whenever I'm with you.
Maybe it's a sign.
Maybe it's a reason to visit you more often.
Love, Joshua.

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