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It fills my body it overwhelms me, over powers me, and worst of all... It CONTROLS me. For years I've hidden it, supressed it, let it swell and grow inside me. NO LONGER will i let the beast reside in me. Its time now, time to set it free, to let it go and let it wreak its HAVOC. Wether it be on myself, on the ones i love, or the poor fool who "pokes the bear" so to speak. Every smug comment, every pounding insult, every last word like a hammer pounding POUNDING on a nail. Awaken foul beast and FEAST off the innocents. This is it. Dont supress your anger. Wield it, use it, make it your WEAPON. The weapon to strike down your foes, the weapon to fight for your survival. This is no game anymore. So tell me when the darkness sets in and the young boy lashes out, ARE YOUR JOKES STILL FUNNY? He lashes out, unleashes his rage, and fights back and what do they do? THEY BRAND HIM like a cow. They label him with words like EMO, DISPONDENT, and worst of all... of all things they could call him... A MONSTER . How does he respond? The weapon, the beast, they turn on him. THE BEAST... THE BEAST KNOWN AS RAGE

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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