The heartache

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The heartache

My god where to begin

I fell in love with you and I fell hard,bruised knees and bruised hands and an smile on my face and happiness all over me.I knew I fell in love fast and that it is something that

comes naturally too but I never once imagined I would fall in love with someone like you but you punched my hearth and I couldn't stop myself.

See my thoughts were things like how can he want To be with somebody like me because hot damn this man is beautiful he is breathtaking and amazing and I can't even begin to put him in words because it would be impossible so damn impossible and words would not do you justice.

I still remember the first time you made my heart ache it was in your car you told me after just a couple of days that I'm not allowed to fall in love with you but my God it was to late by then I remember brushing it off and acting like I'm game for just fun but deep inside I knew my god I knew I could love you forever

Because I make these stupid excuses because I'm so desperate to believe that you do care

 Because I make these stupid excuses because I'm so desperate to believe that you do care

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2017 ⏰

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