My name is Isabella Marie Hoekstra [Hook-stra] and I have a disorder, it's called Myotonic Hypertrophy. You can only die from it if you don't eat whenever you are hungry, since you don't have any body fat the blood flow doesn't get to your head as well and you die instantly, that is the only con about it. Pros about M.H. are, you are 3-6 times as strong than you are supposed to be, very very active, you can't gain anybody fat, you can't eat and eat and eat and won't gain body fat or weight because of it, the only weight you have is muscle, you get many opportunities in life when you have Myotonic Hypertrophy, you can (If your a girl) play football on a boys team and not feel to get hurt, do many things they usually take from a girl cause they 'aren't strong enough'.
When I was three years old, they tested me to see how much stronger I am to another three year old girl. I got in the six year old range;
I was doing 17 sit ups in a minute, while the other girl only completed one in the whole minute, I was doing pull ups, and one armed push ups, and many many other things some 19 year old girls couldn't.
In Middle School and High School, a lot of kids were getting into drugs. People with M.H. can't even breath second hand smoke. Since I have a natural steroid in my body, I can't have other drugs or drink or smoke, cause it can kill me on the spot, no matter what. A lot of peer pressure was going on since I only had guy friends cause the girls didn't like me cause 'I was different'. The only reason they said that was because I had all the boys at my feet, and they were jealous. The boys were getting into steroids, inhalants, weed, cocaine, marijuana, shooting, sniffing or huffing, and stuff they shouldn't of been into, but since I have natural steroids I couldn't have drugs. I made it through all 3 years of Middle School drug free, High School drug free and today drug free. If I were to get into drugs I wouldn't be as successful in life as I am today.
My career is helping little kids who have Myotonic Hypertrophy, like my little brother who is six, to stay out of drugs and to tell them what affects it has to people like us.
[If you don't believe this is a serious\real thing look it up.]