Chapter One

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"Yes, sir. Everything's ready."

Talking to my boss through the phone at this hour makes me feel uneasy. It's the busiest time of the year for our resort and tomorrow is going to be its 15th anniversary, plus new investors are coming in tonight. When Mr. Wilson has finally ended the call, I scurry out of my office to continue the preparation for our guests. I realize I forgot something! I told him earlier all have been set as planned, but I haven't seen yet the guests' dinner menu! Yes, yes, of course I know I'll be doomed if I won't be able to set things up properly, so here I am sending out instructions here and there, panting almost heavily.

The typical me: tense, clumsy, the favorite child of anxiety. I have that bad habit of thinking failure wins over success by 80 over 100 by default. Sounds pessimistic? Maybe. But to the advantage, it ignites my strong determination to push that 20% up against its rival by all means possible, to give the underdog a chance to be proclaimed a winner. Besides, that may have been the reason why I was immediately promoted as manager after being employed for only a year.

Even though my superior takes after one of the seven dwarfs, the one known as Grumpy because he's always ill-humored and grumpy, even a speck of dust in his coat makes him angry, I still enjoy my work. I get scolded a lot of times but I still love my job because it challenges me everyday--and helps me pay my bills, too!

Clock hits five in the afternoon and Wilson arrives with the guests at last. I've assigned a staff to usher them around the resort then back to the hotel where a sumptuous dinner awaits.

"Be sure to remind them to re-heat the food before they are served. I don't want any complaint from the guests and I'm sick of sticking my invisible earphones whenever Wilson reprimands my lack of responsibility." I tell Katie, one of the crew, to relay my instructions to the kitchen personnel, acting like a military commander sending orders to his soldiers. But she just grins knowing I'm just playing my role gracelessly.

"Yes, ma'am! And- you can borrow my earphones just in case. They're more experienced than yours." She giggles and runs as quick as a rabbit before I can slap her butt with the menu book I'm holding.

Katie and I have been good friends since I got hired at Washington Paradise Resort. She's been working in the resort for 5 years now; a dropout from college but she is incredibly smart and patient. I admire her bubbly attitude and how she handles Wilson's hot temper. She's my favorite blond in the planet!

When I got promoted, I became her boss and it was kind of awkward at first. Nevertheless, we remained friends.

I'm back in the office an hour later and our resort supervisor finds me busy with some reports. Julie Harrington is of African-American descent and always dresses to impress, that's according to me. Her pixie cut, hazel brown hair fits her heart-shaped face, and her long eyelashes complement her dark brown eyes. The 41-year old woman's ass-et is emphasized even more by her black bootcut pants matched with a white blouse under her three-quarter-sleeve blazer. She approaches and I instantly notice the black leather ankle boots she's wearing, making me feel unsure about my outfit for the day.

"The investors are here and Wilson wants us to sit with them during dinner." Julie's voice snaps me back to reality, taking my attention off of her shoes.

"Geez. You look really stressed, gal. Have you been worrying a lot?" She pats my back gently. I smile without turning to her, hitting the keys of my computer. I need to finish this goddamn spreadsheet before we leave.

"Why not try to relax sometimes? Loosen up a bit." She tells me. I glance at her for a while and nod.

"Come on! We shouldn't be late for dinner. I heard some of our guests are young and rich bachelors. You may find someone interesting." She taps my shoulder twice.

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