The Old Man

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Everything was normal in the guild: Natsu and Gray are fighting, Erza's eating cake, Juvia is stalking Gray, Lucy and Levy are reading, and the rest are hanging about, drinking beer or fighting.

"Give it up, Flame Brain! You'll never beat me!" Gray yells, throwing a chair at the salmon-haired dragon slayer.

Natsu grins, dodging the airborne chair. "As if, Ice Princess!" He shouts back, chucking a fireball at the ice Mage in retaliation. When the ball of fire was halfway to Gray, an old man suddenly appears in it's path with a crack. Gray's eyes widen and both he and Natsu shout,

"Watch out!" The man smiles and flicks a stick of wood. The fire just... disappears. The mages stare at the innocent-looking old man.

"Excuse me, but may I speak with your guild master?" He asks.


Sorry it's so short! I just really wanted to leave it off there! Anyway, I'm asking now: who do you guys want in the tri-wizard tournament? And who do you want the pairings to be? I'm going to stick with some of the pairings I like (Gale, Gruvia, Nalu, laxanna). See ya next time I update!


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