I have the audacity to think I matter just one single bit
But when it comes to speaking up for what's right I shrink up and say what I think doesn't matter how come you have the audacity every single 7 billion 47 million of us on earth would think we mattered a bit.
Matter more than the shit that goes on today
You don't know me you don't know what Ive been through I'm smiling like I have some sort of fishing line pulling at my lips it's just as forceful as a local breaths flings out when wanting to end the shit they go through so they solve it by jumping off a nearby bridge
We have the audacity to think we are some type of kings telling people to do worthless shit for us if it was true that we are some kind of kings
They why won't we use that power to save our lowlife generation
Some people have the audacity to think that there isn't anything wrong with our generation so tell girl that been called fat or the boy who got called weak for crying.
Behind the doors of their home his mother Is fucking dying, behind her door she's starving herself for the boy that said he would love her if she was skinnierInspired by the song " tiny glowing screen pt 2"