Chapter 1

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"Is he really still talking?" I thought to myself while allowing the sound of Lee's voice to fade into the back of my mind. His voice was always so calming no matter what he was talking about. Right now he's complaining about his job, again. I don't know why he still works at the coffee shop if he hates the smell of coffee. I, on the other hand, love the smell of coffee. There are very few smells that can instantly lighten my mood, coffee is one of them. That list also includes bonfires, the air up north, and Lee's cologne. "Hey, Luna you still in there?" I hear Lee say and instantly I'm brought back to the real world. The real world consists of an AP Physics class which no one really pays attention to, I mean there are only a few weeks of school left so does anything really matter? We already took the AP test for this class so I don't know why Mr. Pond even tries teaching anything anymore. He tried to assign another project and lord knows that I'm not going to do it and neither is anyone in this class. I've already been accepted into college and not doing this project won't affect my GPA enough that my parents will notice. "Yeah I'm still here," I say to Lee who looks truly concerned. He replies back with "You have been zoning out a lot lately, you doing okay?" almost immediately. The problem is that I know what he said but the only thing I can seem to focus on is his lips.

    "I'm good, just thinking about a lot lately." I finally say.

    "As long as you're fine and not falling back into old habits."

    "I'm not, don't worry I'd tell you if I was making bad decisions," which was a huge lie. I hate lying to him but I'm scared of how he would react if I was "falling back into old habits" as he puts it.

    "Alright good because I need someone to talk to in this class even if I do bore you enough that you zone out, " says Lee right before we both share a little giggle like laugh.

    My attention is drawn back to Mr. Pond. He is talking about electromagnetism and how it relates to the pull we have on one another, just between you and me everything he says is bullshit. I know Physics and this isn't it. I've probably read more books on physics theory than he has and he has a masters degree in it. I think the only way he could get me to pay attention at this point is if he started talking about the 10th dimension or where black holes lead.

    "Hey what are you doing after school today?" I ask Lee trying to distract myself from this joke of a class.

    "What do you mean? It's Wednesday you know I work 5-9."

    "Oh shit I forgot, there's a poetry reading at the music store and since I don't have to be there for work today I thought I'd go just to listen."

    "You always just go to listen, why don't you grow some balls and actually participate?"

    "Because I don't need the world to experience my shitty inner thoughts."

    "I happen to like your 'shitty' poetry and I'm sure it's better than the stuff you sit and listen to at least twice a week."

    "I know you like it, probably more than I do, but I know the general public won't appreciate my emo ass poetry now stop beating a dead horse because I'm not gonna read it to anyone but you and Pedro."

    "Fine, I'll just let you hide from the world as usual. And speaking of Pedro where the hell is he today?"

    "You know him, he probably just didn't feel like doing today. I don't blame him, I wish I was laying in my bed listening to music right now but instead here I am listening to nonsense science."

    "You're right, I'd rather be anywhere but here. But since I am stuck here, I'm happy I have you here with me."

    That was the last thing Lee said before the bell rang, and I spent the rest of my day thinking about it. The final bell of the day rang and I walked over to my locker and to no surprise there was Pedro waiting for me, even when he decides not to come to school he somehow always shows up with an hour left. I think there's a baseball game today and god knows that he'd never miss guys in baseball pants.

    "Look who decided to show up, casually late again I presume?"

    "Well I wasn't gonna miss Kennedy's ass in those baseball pants of his was I?" Pedro said in that voice I knew all too well.

    "Well I guessed it, I knew it was gonna be the baseball pants but, really Kennedy Park? I can't believe you're still on that. He's definitely not your type. He's a country boy and a quiet one. Quiet has never been your thing." I replied and guessing by the look on his face Pedro wasn't too pleased with what I had just said.

    "You know I don't like when you point out the flaws in my logic."

    "Yeah I know but you still love me even when I do."

    "No matter what you say I'm still gonna go and I encourage you to come with me to scope out some ass for you too."

    "I have plans to sit by myself in a music shop and listen to how other people feel expressed through their poetry and I urge you to join me." As soon as I say this we both burst out laughing in the knowledge that neither of us is gonna budge on our evening plans.

    "Well the game doesn't start until 4:30 so I say that the three of us go and get some food." As soon as Pedro finished talking Lee starts tickling me ruthlessly from behind, god I hate him. After about thirty seconds I'm out of breath and Lee finally relents.

    "Thanks for blowing my cover man, I was waiting for her to turn around so I could scare the shit out of her."

    "Yeah well, I didn't feel like having a conversation with you just standing creepily behind her staring at me."

    Lee replied after no thought at all, "still it would have been hilarious, and I'm in for whatever until I have to go to work. Where are we going to eat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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