Chapter One

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Dr. Minyak paced back and forth across the floor.  "How does that stupid Captain  man keep beating me?" He asked his assistant. "Maybe because he has that little sidekick of his, Kid danger." She replied. Dr. Minyak pondered her words for a moment before saying "ah yes the little sidekick." He rubbed his chin manically. "Captain man seems to care quite a lot about him" he said evilly "we get that boy and we can make Captain man fall" His assistant looked rather confused. "How would taking Kid danger make Captain man surrender to us?" She asked. Dr. Minyak face palmed and replied "if we capture Kid danger we could use him as ransom." His assistant nodded. "But you know what would be better" she said with a hint of evil in her voice "you could make something that could turn Kid danger to the dark side and make him in to your little puppet plus Captain man would never hurt his sidekick." She said. "Hmmmm interesting idea." Dr. Minyak said as he thought to himself. "That could work..." His voice trailed off as he began to work with a few chemicals and machine parts.  He poured a beaker full of a dark purple liquid in to a needle gun. He held the gun up triumphantly. "One little shot from this and good old Kid danger will join our side!" He said smirking to his assistant. Both of them began laughing evilly. In the man cave Henry and Ray, dressed as Captain man and Kid danger, had just returned from defeating a villain. Henry let out a tired groan and plopped himself down on the couch. Ray walked over to the Auto Snack and ordered two bottles of water. He tossed one to Henry and started drinking the other. "Why can't these criminals ever take a break?" Whined Henry as he took a sip of water. Ray took a seat next to him. "I know." He groaned. Then the crime alert sounded once more. "Not again!" Both heroes yelled. Captain man walked over to the computer to see who was attacking. "It's Dr. Minyak. He's robbing the Swellview bank." He said. "Well then let's go stop him." Kid danger said getting up from the couch and walked over to the tubes. Captain man followed him over and they both activated their tubes. "Up the tube!" They yelled in unison. When they arrived they saw Dr. Minyak and Nurse Cohart leaving the bank with bags of money. "Stop right there!" Captain man shouted. "Why don't you?" Dr. Minyak said with an evil smirk. He tossed a small metal ball at the two heroes. It began ticking. The superheroes looked at it confused. Suddenly it released a thick green gas. "It's knock out gas! Don't breathe!" Captain man yelled. But he saw it was too late as he looked over and saw Kid danger cough up a storm then fall to the ground. He didn't have much time to worry over his sidekick before the gas took over him. As his vision went dark he saw the two villains looming over his fallen sidekick. He tried to reach out to him but he soon fell into unconsciousness. When he woke up he looked around and saw that Kid danger was missing. "Kid!" Captain man screamed. Worry and fear began to overwhelm him. He started breathing heavily and ran around the area looking for any sign of his missing sidekick. "No..." He said falling to his knees. He stared at the ground. He felt like he was frozen. He balled his hands into fists. Kid danger may be gone but he would stop at nothing to bring him home.

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